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8th October 2017, 17:16
Thanks lady bee. That just leaves no. 69. Got the veg, I think, but cannot get a word for plain beginning with P?
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8th October 2017, 17:24
Ok the penny has dropped. Once more I found the clue in Chambers so that’s no. 69 solved. Many thanks to both lady bee and nonplussed.
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9th October 2017, 11:24
haremai, can I suggest you get a copy of Bradford's crossword solver. That might have solved your 'plain' problem. It's available in both paperback and kindle versions.
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9th October 2017, 21:01
Thanks nonplussed for your tip re. Bradford’s Crossword Solver. Will see if I can get a copy for the Christmas quiz and hopefully I won’t need an help.
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9th October 2017, 21:24
hi. are all very clever. and your clues are fantastic, but i'm still thick! going round and round with junior runner. thought i had it with r.....r but i think i must bee wrong. still puzzling 18. re hat. also no 22,19,34,43,46,55,59. i know there have been lots of clues so far, but still bothered.
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lady bee

9th October 2017, 22:02
You're puzzling 18 and yet the answer's been given!!
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16th October 2017, 22:20
sorry. didnt mean tto sound such a dope, but cant always think as quick as some of you. have done quite a few more now, but still stuck on a few, probably the clues have already been given so apologies. still stuck on 46;47,52,and 59. i have a word for 59 beg, and ending in r.any good?
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17th October 2017, 15:18
Have done most of the ones mentioned in this thread but am stuck on
43-man on board hops away to get old lumber
44-but can Bob sort out the hold?
94- Newcomer in the mining camp has a blister?

I am new to this Quiz and would welcome hints!
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lady bee

17th October 2017, 22:59
43. Board doesn't refer to ship but a game and 'away' suggests anagram of one of the words.

44. Anagram involved.

94. Google synonyms for 'newcomer'
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18th October 2017, 17:02
46. Old name for soldier & a gun (1st WW) + last 3 letters for go off (food).
47. Ist 3 letters of 1st word + 1st letter 2nd word + a type of exam and look up in dictionary. Hard to give a "clue" to this question.
52. Song about a milkman - forget James.
59. Ist 3 letters normal word for chap. Last 4 a passenger carrying vehicle only seen in certain high populated areas. Look up dictionary unusual word.
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