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12th September 2017, 12:37
Down to my last 3 and they are b*****s
69. Plain pi (It may be back) 7,6
83. Money hidden in a big boot possibly - notes being essential , 9
90. The city's left going in circles . 6
I know we have a lot of time left. so will crack on. but they just done make sense
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12th September 2017, 12:56
I'm sorry but the ink is hardly dry on this quiz. I thought we had a sort of unwritten rule on this site regarding Rainbow quizzes i.e. don't ask for help/hints until the beginning of November. As it happens, I've completed the current quiz and will go so far as to assure you that those clues make perfect sense - when you've found the answers.
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12th September 2017, 15:18
Haven't got (or got a clue as yet) on 69, but the other two both involve anagrams.
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12th September 2017, 15:20
And if your'e really stuck, try thjis site
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12th September 2017, 20:33
Got them now thanks. just 69 to get.
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13th September 2017, 02:11
Well, I am certainly looking forward to "early November", Tintin, as I managed 99 within a few days and, like some others, am completely stumped on 69 ! I actually can't remember being so "clueless" about a clue, and I have been doing these puzzles for almost twenty years! But I will be patient!!
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13th September 2017, 05:57
Isn't it interesting! I have one left which I am clueless about which is 18. I have gone round in circles for days but can't get any handle on it at all. I do have an answer for 69, but now you are making me doubt if it can possibly be correct!! I shall keep checking on this site for when clues start to come in.
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13th September 2017, 11:12
I have also been stuck on 69 ....... just had another look at it, re-read the whole clue ..... and the answer came to me in a flash. One word made me look at it in a different way. One done, six more to go ! lol
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13th September 2017, 12:29
Woke up about 3 am and suddenly realised what the link was. I also realised that my answer to 90 was wrong. But I did have a bright idea about 18, so I got that, and another one. Maybe sleepless nights are good for me!
Not a clue to 9 though. Maybe a sleepless night next month will bring about an eureka moment.
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13th September 2017, 14:38
One of the beauties of this quiz is the way that the final pennies drop ever so slowly and when you have the answer you wonder why on earth you hadn't got it earlier. My final eureka moment was 99 which suddenly then seemed just too easy!
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