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1st October 2016, 23:54
Hello, Elle!
No, I am watching golf.
You have finished the book.
Very good.
And you approved of it?
One of my favourite golfers has a bloodline like Paul Garrett.
Rickie Fowler is a Californian and has several European ancestors, as well as a Navajo grandmother and a Japanese grandfather.
I think Miss O etc are still in Orlando.
Well the aeroplane has not left, anyway.
It looks like it will fly away in the early hours.
9971 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd October 2016, 09:58
Good morning, Rusty!
I am looking out of the window at my newly pruned trees - very smart!
We have a fine morning but a very chilly one!
I think at some point it is meant to hit a high of 15C, but that is some way off yet.
We have no particular plans for today.......just take it as it comes.....
How did your golf go last night?
You were up very late!
Any news of the travellers?
Now for a coffee and the Everyman crossword .......
9972 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd October 2016, 10:10
Good morning, Elle!
I had a frozen windscreen on my car earlier.
Think Summer has gone!
The golf is great, but Europe are trailing our American friends.
Today should be great entertainment!
The travellers!
This is the scenario as I understand it.
Aeroplane nearly 3 hours late leaving America.
It is over the Atlantic now.
The will miss their Edinburgh connection at Gatwick.
They have to take a shuttle (what is a "shuttle"?) to Heath Row Airport and get an aeroplane to Glasgow.
They hope to be at Glasgow around 5 this afternoon.
Bit of a scutter!
9973 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd October 2016, 10:39
Hi, Rusty!
A 'shuttle' is just the transport service between two places.
Heathrow airport has shuttle services between terminals.
In this instance, there is a shuttle between Gatwick and Heathrow.
It take about an hour and a quarter.
(I've never heard "scutter" used in this context - it is very descriptive!)
They will all be weary after their protracted journey.
Did you say your son would be collecting them all from Glasgow?
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2nd October 2016, 11:37
Hello, Elle!
It is the Scottish "scutter" I used.
Scuttery means "in a messy way".
Not in my Chambers.
The aeroplane has just landed at Gatwick.
Thanks for the "shuttle" description.
I associated it with weaving.
Yes, my son shall collect them from Glasgow, if that is their definite destination.
it is a beautiful day here!
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2nd October 2016, 12:32
Hi, Rusty!
I was envisaging everyone "scuttling" about!
But, hey, guess what... you are never going to believe this.....!
"Scutter" is in my 13th edition of Chambers!
Now how about that?
Meaning to run hastily, scurry!
(Mental apology to Chambers 13th for always condemning it!)
I have just received an email from Amazon telling me that they have "Chesapeake" available......I looked it up and yes, there is now a hardback at £2-27 from World of Books - in very good condition.
That is very much cheaper than when I looked previously, so I have ordered it.
Good old Amazon!
9976 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd October 2016, 12:44
Hello, Elle!
That is not the Scots version of "scutter".
Ours means "a messy carry on".
Chesapeake is a good read.
Starts in the 16th Century.
So no dinosaurs to meet.
I think the first main character is a giant Native American called Pentaquod.
One of the good guys!
So is Onk Or, a Canada goose!
You will not go wrong with World of Books.
Very good to deal with.
9977 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd October 2016, 13:04
Hi, Rusty!
Sorry, re "scutter", I obviously didn't read your previous post properly! or rather, I didn't interpret it correctly!
Brain not in gear today!
(I take back my apology to Chambers! )
I have started a new book by Peter May.
A crime thriller entitled "Entry Island".
I have only read one book of his previously, but greatly enjoyed it.
It had rather an odd slant on proceedings.
It will be interesting to see if the author adopts similar tactics here.
Yes, "World of Books " is good - three of my recently ordered books came from there. I always use that company if I can.
"Snowdon" books are very good, too.
Have you had books from there?
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2nd October 2016, 13:19
Hello, Elle!
I have not had books from Snowdon.
Julie's Books, Abe Books, Baham Books, one in Wales, whose name escapes me, and several in United States.
Still a great day here.
I was watching the ducks diving at the loch earlier.
Thought at first that Lassie had returned!
9979 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd October 2016, 13:43
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, lovely here too - but still a mite chilly!
We are just about to go out for a walk.
I shall wear a light fleece, I think!
We shall go to the woods and across the railway bridge to the river.
The dog will like that!
Back about teatime!
9980 of 30765  -   Report This Post