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28th September 2016, 21:17
Hello, Elle!
Right, fingers crossed for Laura Lou appearing!
Now, the bus service.
I do not use the bus, but I know my daughter-in-law one evening got the bus and it went via Perth.
So instead of a 3 mile trip it became a 47 mile trip.
It can be a nuisance.
Now I do not know if her bus was single or double decked.
There is a very high bridge at Perth and she was in tears crossing in the strong wind.
Thank goodness my grandson was with her to keep her calm!
So, as you can imagine, the bridge closing creates problems!
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28th September 2016, 21:47
Hi, Rusty!
Goodness, with my fear of heights, I would have been terrified!
I feel for your daughter-in -law!
I do not like crossing the bridge at Dartford.
The underground tunnel going northwards is fine, but coming back to the south it is necessary to cross the river via the Queen Elizabeth II bridge, 137 metres high and nearly 3000 m long.
I am petrified especially when it is windy!
I shall go to back to my book......finish my chapter (as you know, they are very long ones!) before bed........

She is a three hour drive away, Pigale!
Yes, I too am worrying that there is some serious underlying cause........
I am wondering if she should ask for a second opinion?
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28th September 2016, 23:05
Hello, Elle!
I am with you on high windy bridges!
Do not like them!
I have heard of Dartford Tunnel. (Mr Rogan will be pleased to know!)
My daughter-in-law recently trekked to the top of Ben Nevis and was very pleased with herself, (so she should be!).
Her first Munro.
She said the wind was wild on the summit.
She could not get over how cold it was up there.
Off the top of my head, I think you lose 4 degrees of heat for every thousand feet you climb, and the Ben is over 4000 ft, so it would be a lot colder up there than when they left Fort William.
I'll let you get on with your book!
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29th September 2016, 09:10
It is National Gorgeous Grandma Day, so all you grandmothers, give your hair a brush (!) and enjoy. My small granddaughter is on her way for the day, but stuck in traffic. She and I are going to make bendy animals and plant some fruit pips.

Hope the puppy is better this morning, elle.
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29th September 2016, 09:12
It looks like Norah won't be back from holiday in time to do post 10 000!
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29th September 2016, 09:13
I can see us all hanging fire not liking to take the honour!
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29th September 2016, 09:49
Norah said she is taking her iPad with her on holiday.
So, she should manage post 10,000 if she chooses.
Hope so!
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29th September 2016, 09:58
Good morning, Rosalind,
Are you running a wee bitty late?
Mr Google says National Gorgeous Grandma Day is 23rd July?
I was going to get all tricked up and go to visit my Gran, too!
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29th September 2016, 10:18
Good morning, Rusty!
Dreich here today! Warm though.
Still no winds as yet....but the woodcutters are hastily lopping down dodgy trees in the park this maybe they know something I don't?
I finished the chapter on "Sheep" last night, next one is entitled "The Crime" ???? I shall find out soon......
Not good news about the puppy, I am afraid.
There does seem to be an underlying serious problem...the vet is now referring pup to a specialist.
It seems that the puppy's eyesight is now affected. The pressure in his eyes is too low, the retinas look "marbled", and his pupils are permanently dilated, and unable to contract. He appears to be losing his vision.
The possibilities, according to the vet, are that a toxin is causing these multiple symptoms...or that it is a condition he was born with....but he is about six months old now, and surely that would have manifested itself before now?
Anyway, our daughter has to take pup to see a specialist somewhere in Hertfordshire this morning.
She will keep me updated.
Other daughter shortly about to arrive......!
How are your winds?
Is the Bridge still closed?

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29th September 2016, 10:31
Hi, everyone!
Re post 10, would be very nice if it were from Norah - especially as she instigated the PCT - and she does such a lot for us all on the Forum!
She checks the site out regularly...I'll put up a message specifically for her!
9930 of 30765  -   Report This Post