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2nd October 2016, 15:20
Hello, Elle,
Yes, a coolness in the air.
The travellers are boarding an aeroplane at Gatwick.
Heath Row has been scrubbed!
Scheduled to land at Glasgow just before five o'clock.
A long day for them!
Hope you enjoyed your walk!
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2nd October 2016, 17:15
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, thank you, we had a great walk!
It was very fresh and invigorating!
Good walking weather.
That is much better for Miss O to fly straight from Gatwick.
It will save them a lot of time (and effort!)
They should have landed by now?
How about yourself?
What have you been doing ?
Have you been out?
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2nd October 2016, 18:18
Good evening, Elle!
Miss O and party have been collected from Glasgow International and are heading home. Will be here any minute.
I have been home most of the day and am watching the Ryder Cup on my television.
Been a lovely day here.
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2nd October 2016, 19:39
Good evening, Rusty!
I'm glad to hear that the travellers have arrived home safely.
That is always a relief!
Did they call in to see you en route, or are you going to pop over there?
You will be glad that she is back.
How is the golf going? Who is in the lead?
I have spoken to my daughter and the puppy seems to be improving.
She says he hasn't to go out yet, but is feeling livelier.
That is good to hear.
I shall speak to my cousin later this evening.......
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2nd October 2016, 19:51
Hello, Elle,
No, I have not seen them.
They are very tired with travelling and jet lag.
Road from Glasgow was fairly quiet.
The golf is superb entertainment, especially match 1.
Patrick Reed v Rory McIlroy.
USA are leading but the scores are changing constantly.
Europe are not out of this.
Very good news about the pup!
Hope he continues to improve.
Yes, remember to phone your cousin.
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2nd October 2016, 20:41
Hi, Rusty!
I have not forgotten to phone my cousin....I think it is my turn to ring her, so I shall do so after I've sent this.
We always have a lot to talk about and the hour passes very quickly!
Just come in from the garden.
Brrrh! It is a cold evening.
We have got our central heating on now.......only very low but we do find that we need it.
Yes, I am sure that Miss O will be feeling very tired - all that delay over the departure, plus the long journey will have taken its toll.
Doe she have to go to work tomorrow?

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2nd October 2016, 21:20
Hello, Elle,
Yes, she has a teacher placement to go to.
I have not heard from her.
I imagine she went straight to bed.
My CH kicked in earlier but I turned it off.
I think USA are going to win the Ryder Cup.
They have more strength in depth.
Been enjoyable, though.
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2nd October 2016, 21:52
Hi, Rusty!
Right, chat with cousin now finished!
All the north -western branch of the family are well.
They have been having slightly warmer weather than we have down here, as she says they were sitting in the sun without cardigans or jackets.
Certainly not warm enough to do that here!
Our c/h comes off and on as required.......each radiator has an individual thermostatic valve.
We have it very low so as just to take off the chill.
Is the golf still going on? Shall you have another late night?
I am now going to make coffee..........
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2nd October 2016, 22:25
Hello, Elle,
USA have won the Ryder Cup.
So no late night.
Great competition, I enjoyed it.
That's good your family are fine in the North.
It was shirt sleeve weather here, but the windscreens were frozen first thing this morning.
Miss O just texted me "Goodnight!". Nothing else!
I may see her during the week.
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2nd October 2016, 22:53
Hi, Rusty!
That was lovely of Miss O to send you a "Goodnight" text.
Yes, I am sure you will both catch up soon.
She will be wanting to tell you all about her holiday.
I am enjoying my new book by Peter May - although it seems incredibly unconvoluted after "Centennial"!
I shall have to decide which of James Michener's books to read next......."Hawaii" or "Chesapeake"?
That was a very nice suggestion of Chris' to ask Norah to post the 10,000th message.
We should perhaps put her on "Red Alert" that there are only ten posts left to go!
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