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norah (admin)

3rd October 2016, 09:44
If all goes to plan, this should be the 10,000 reply in the Personal Chat thread, a remarkable achievement in just 16 months so well done to you all. The thread had very shaky beginnings but it has transformed into a 'coffee shop' where you can chat to your heart's content and know you are not annoying other Forum users with several chatty threads.

I would like to thank each and every one of you for supporting the Crossword Solver site, you have turned it into a lovely friendly Forum, all is peaceful most of the time and it runs very smoothly with your help and co-operation. We have seen off the Koreans but the kitchen spammers are still with us, it's a never ending battle between keeping the Forum user friendly and twharting the spammers at the same time. With your reminders about kitchens, we seem to be keeping on top of things just now.

Ash asked me to send his personal best wishes and would like to say a big thank you to everyone for supporting his 'baby', the Crossword Solver site. It goes from strength to strength so once again, thanks to you all.
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3rd October 2016, 09:53

and the biggest thanks to you and Ash, Norah. It must be a royal pain to have to delete the kitchen nuts every morning, but thank you for that also. It's a great site in lots of different ways - when syzygy posts the American crosswords, I use the Quick solve and wizard like fury! And chatting on here is really good.

Hope it keeps going for a very long time, and have a safe onward journey, as they will say at the end of a long flight!
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3rd October 2016, 10:04
I fully endorse Rosalind's comments ! Thanks Norah and Ash.
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3rd October 2016, 10:10
Congratulations to the PCT, and many thanks to Norah and Ash.
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3rd October 2016, 10:11
Hi, Norah!

Thank you so much for being the one to post our 10,000 message!
You do so much for us all that it seems only right that it should be you who posted the crucial number!

A thank you also to Ash for all his hard work.

I hope you've enjoyed your holiday- and that you all have a safe journey home!
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3rd October 2016, 10:22
Good morning, Norah, and fellow chatters.
PCT has been a success, thanks to you, Norah.
Well done!
And on to 20,000!
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3rd October 2016, 10:29
Good morning, Rusty!
I am late back from the park this morning!
Firstly, I had to look for a post box further afield , because our nearby one was blocked up.
It turns out the postman has lost the key!
Then I had to go and buy a paper....John is on holiday again, so no screen shots of the crosswords!
The 'plus' here tho' is that I get to do the Times 15x15! (or at least, to attempt it - sometimes I find it too hard!)
It was freezing out this morning.......only 5C!
What is it like with you?

Hello, Pigale and Ros
I was thinking of you both when we had our trees pruned on Saturday!
We only have nine in our garden.......and you have a whole orchard and a wood!
I'd need a bank loan to cope with all that!
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3rd October 2016, 10:48
Good Morning Elle,

Yes, it would be very expensive to have all the trees pruned! All the ornamental trees grow as they please and intermingle so that it is like a small wood with a naturally shaped arch over a foot path.
The only trees we pruned ourselves are the fruit trees. As for the poplars, they should be 'trimmed' really, but that IS going to be expensive!

Same temperature here this morning - it was a cold night but has now turned into a beautiful morning - due to reach 19/20 this afternoon, but it starts getting chilly from 5pm onwards. Great Autumn days though.

Glad to read the pup is getting better!
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3rd October 2016, 11:32
Good morning, Elle!
Fine day here, but chilly.
Surely the Royal Mail or whatever they are called these days, have more than one key?
I am way ahead of the game today.
I did Times xword online around 6.30 this morning.
I did not know Pooh's friend, but came up with an answer!
Crossword not too difficult.
I will be interested to hear how you get on with it!
I have just ordered "84, Charing Cross Road", by Helene Hanff, from eBay (World of Books).
It's oatcake and coffee time, now!
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3rd October 2016, 11:40
Just had an eye test. The glasses saesman afterwards ased me if I was enjoying day out!!!!!!!! I told him I was going white water rafting this afternoon. Ye gods.

My wood has several oak tress about 150 years plus old, but very many etoilated ash trees which will all need to come down eventually. I have found a man who will do it for the wood (which he sells, of course). Last time I paid to have one cut down (admittedly it was leaning and needed excellent care, and I had it chopped up) it cost about £650.
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