Good morning, Rusty!
I am late back from the park this morning!
Firstly, I had to look for a post box further afield , because our nearby one was blocked up.
It turns out the postman has lost the key!
Then I had to go and buy a paper....John is on holiday again, so no screen shots of the crosswords!
The 'plus' here tho' is that I get to do the Times 15x15! (or at least, to attempt it - sometimes I find it too hard!)
It was freezing out this morning.......only 5C!
What is it like with you?
Hello, Pigale and Ros
I was thinking of you both when we had our trees pruned on Saturday!
We only have nine in our garden.......and you have a whole orchard and a wood!
I'd need a bank loan to cope with all that!