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3rd October 2016, 12:56
Hi, Rusty!
Well, you would think that producing a "spare" key for a mail box would not be a difficult task?
Or that someone, somewhere, would have a "master" key?
I shall see for how long the box remains out of action!
I have had a visitor this morning!
A neighbour popped in at 11oclock ......."just for a minute" she said.
She has just left!
Still, it was nice to chat and catch up!
So I have only done the Times QC, and barely made a start on the 15 x15.
I have done 7d though - the one with Pooh's friend!
A good clue!
(I am quite an expert on Pooh!)
I will report back on the remainder of the xword later, when I have time to take another look.
I remember your mentioning the book that you have ordered.
Sounds good!
P.S. I love oatcakes!

Funny you should mention white -water rafting , Ros!
I' m doing that this afternoon......I'll see you on the river!
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3rd October 2016, 13:29
I love oatcakes, too. I've actually seen a student make them, as they always used to ages ago. It seemed highly skillful to me.

I can go faster than you, elle!
ps I really have been white water rafting, twice and not that long ago! Not in this country, though. I think there are some artifical courses here.
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3rd October 2016, 17:40
Hi, Rusty!
A beautiful day here!
And it has warmed up nicely since this morning!
It was good to be out!
Well, I am reporting back on the Times 15x15 as promised.........
I have finally finished it!
Unlike you, I found it rather difficult - although I didn't really get chance to settle down with it, but have had to do it in dribs and drabs.
I always find that harder than being able to concentrate and "get on a roll"!
I especially liked 8a, 12a and 27a!
I had great trouble parsing 1d:: "whimsical"....... I got as far as "sic" being the Latin for "thus" and then struggled for ages!
A good clue!
13d - "Patagonia" - was my LOI - I wouldn't have got it without the crossers, but could parse it once I did.
1a was reminiscent of bullocks' hides!
Have you heard from Miss Orlando?
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3rd October 2016, 18:10
Hello, Elle,
It is a fine afternoon here, too.
That's great you finished the Times xword.
Whimsical? Canon is "law", reversed.
Chap is "him".
Thus is "sic".
I liked 1 across, and it is only recently that I discovered that a "force" could be a waterfall.
12A, i had vaguely heard of a "chop house".
Is it American, I wonder?
13A, i see the setter has the word "climbing" in his clue.
It works with the parse, but I wonder if he knows that Patagonia is the name of a brand of climbing jackets, or is it mere coincidence?
Miss O was on the 6.45 train to Aberdeen this morning!
Not heard from her, or La Bamba, who started a new job today.
Will catch up with them later.
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3rd October 2016, 19:17
Hi, Rusty!
I think I was fortunate today in being able to finish the Times crossword.
Usually with the 15 x15, I only manage about half...or at best, three -quarters.
But my friend who sends me the crosswords is away for a fortnight , so I shall be buying the paper in his absence....... so plenty of opportunity to "up" my solving skills!
I didn't know that "Patagonia" is the name of a clothing company that manufactures 'climbing' jackets , so that possibility in the clue completely passed me by.
I just took it as the reversal of "in".
Miss O must have a lot of stamina, to have that long journey yesterday, be up in time to get a train at 6.45 am - and then to face a classroom full of children!
Good for her!
I hope Miss L-B's first day in the new office went well?
"Cold Feet" tonight!
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3rd October 2016, 20:11
Hello, Elle!
No, Miss O was attending Aberdeen Uni today.
She is at Uni some days, and placement on others.
I have difficulty keeping up.
La Bamba said she got on fine at the new job/office.
That is good about The Times Crossword.
Two weeks doing it will hone your skills.
Malone does it, too.
So any problems, ask!
You are as well not knowing about Patagonia clothing.
Very expensive gear.
Your parse of Patagonia is correct.
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3rd October 2016, 20:53
Hi, Rusty!
I didn't realise that Miss O is studying in Aberdeen.
Did I ever tell you that I have stayed at Aberdeen University?
I attended a Haematology Symposium in Aberdeen and we were given accommodation in the University Halls of Residence - it being the Summer vacation, when the students were down.
I thought Aberdeen a lovely place- the beaches are fantastic.
We went fishing one night, caught our fish and cooked and ate it, as well!
(We did manage to attend some lectures, too!)
Mis-spent youth , eh?
Must make a coffee before "Cold "Feet " should watch it...very funny......
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3rd October 2016, 21:40
Hello, Elle,
I am not one for watching TV.
But I know it is very popular with many folk.
I much prefer the wireless.
Yes, Aberdeen is a fine city.
Miss O tells me there is a McDonald's at the Uni.
Is that unusual?
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3rd October 2016, 22:18
Hi, Rusty!
I enjoyed "Cold Feet".
This was number 5 in a series of 8 episodes.
It seems to be romping away!
I hope the powers-that-be are going to continue with the series.
I think the "fifty- something" versions of the characters is a great success!
A little light relief is good!
I don't know about McDonalds being on a Uni campus, but I guess anything goes these days?!
I heard from Amazon today - they have already dispatched "Chesapeake".
I am told it will arrive on October 18th.
Are they usually this specific about an arrival date?
I think that normally they give a 'range'?
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3rd October 2016, 22:35
Hello, Elle,
Is this the Mishawaka book?
I normally get a date range.
Maybe they can be more accurate with a book coming from the States?
That's good Cold Feet pleases you.
I just read earlier that University Challenge appears to be edited.
Seemingly it happens if the contestants can not answer a question.
I have spent years in awe of these folk, too!
A fix?
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