Hi, Rusty!
Well, you would think that producing a "spare" key for a mail box would not be a difficult task?
Or that someone, somewhere, would have a "master" key?
I shall see for how long the box remains out of action!
I have had a visitor this morning!
A neighbour popped in at 11oclock ......."just for a minute" she said.
She has just left!
Still, it was nice to chat and catch up!
So I have only done the Times QC, and barely made a start on the 15 x15.
I have done 7d though - the one with Pooh's friend!
A good clue!
(I am quite an expert on Pooh!)
I will report back on the remainder of the xword later, when I have time to take another look.
I remember your mentioning the book that you have ordered.
Sounds good!
P.S. I love oatcakes!
Funny you should mention white -water rafting , Ros!
I' m doing that this afternoon......I'll see you on the river!