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27th September 2016, 14:54
Good afternoon, Elle,
Beautiful day here now, but quite breezy.
That is excellent news regarding your husband's progress.
I was treated in a similar fashion, yes.
I have nothing but praise for the NHS and the way they have dealt with me across the years.
My consultant even saw me when I turned up on the wrong day!
Yes, young Jasmine, remember she got the Golden Buzzer from Ant and Dec?
Ant was in tears!
I really liked her.
I do not know about a contract, though.
I think Dame Sarah has 14 gold medals (5 for swimming).
That's British Cycling for you.
A horrible bunch, on our Lotto money, too!
They don't deserve a rider like Dame Sarah!
9891 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th September 2016, 16:22
Hi Elle,

Great news about your husband! You must both be relieved and glad that the exercises are proving helpful :)
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27th September 2016, 16:57
Hi, Rusty!
We have just come in from a rather dark and drizzly walk!
It was lovely when we set off!
I wish we had your breeze - it is muggy again and I fear we may get a thunderstorm.
I have discovered why my book is called "Cetennial"....I had no idea until then that it was to be the new name for the town "Zendt's Farm"!
And do you remember telling me about marmalade being made in Dundee?
I came across this reference in the chapter "A Smell of Sheep".........
"The tight-fisted marmalade millionaires of Dundee did their best to run their great Chugwater ranch effectively....."
What a strange - and timely - coincidence!
Have you been out for a walk this afternoon?

Hello, Pigale!
Yes, it was good to know that my husband is doing the exercises properly, and that the physiotherapist thinks they are being effective and helping somewhat.
he has to continue doing them indefinitely.
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27th September 2016, 17:42
Hello, Elle,
He maybe had some Dundee marmalade when he was at St Andrews Uni?
The Chugwater ranch is in Wyoming.
I know some of the great ranches were Dundee owned.
The Matador ranch in Texas was.
I think the Matador may have been the biggest ranch.
They were investments, mainly by the jute and jam millionaires, and owners of the whaling and shipping fleets in Dundee.
Robert Fleming, the investment banker, was from Dundee, and started investment trusts which, for many years, owned ranches in the USA.
One of his descendants wrote the James Bond books.
So, a bit of a coincidence, yes!
Yes, I was out for a while, and the wind is rising.
We are forecast gales for Thursday!
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27th September 2016, 19:29
HI, Rusty!
It is fascinating, isn't it, how it all hangs together?
I have received notification from Amazon that four of my five books have now been dispatched - one of them "Hawaii" by Mr. M.
But that one has to come from the States.
Elder daughter has been on the phone....the puppy has been back to the vets.
He is still not well.....his pupils are dilated, but his temperature is normal.
From having diarrhoea , he is now constipated and his tummy is full of gas.
The vet tried to Xray him, but he wouldn't stay sufficiently still, so he goes back tomorrow morning for an Ultrasound scan under sedation.
His white cell count is up, so it sounds as though he does have some infection.
All very worrying especially with so young a pup.
We shall see what tomorrow brings........
I checked our weather forecast and we have "breezy" with "heavy rain" forecast for Thursday!
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27th September 2016, 21:19
Excellent news about your husband, elle. Not so good about the dog. It sounds very expensive.

Now I understand what people have against Windows 10. My coputer was frozen for 5 and a half hours today. It said it was updating, but it wasn't. I couldn't do anything with it. Eventually the screen went blank and it shut down. On restarting it said it was restoring my previous version of windows. I don't wonder companies are thinking of suing Microsoft. You can't prevent these updates and they can put computers out of action for hours.

Nota happy day, I hope tomorrow is better
9896 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th September 2016, 21:41
Good evening, Elle!
Getting wild outside!
Let's hope some antibiotics help the pup.
I am sure it is a worry for you all.
That's good your books are on the way.
So, the sheep are arriving in your book?
I see trouble ahead!

Hello, Rosalind,
I have Windows 10 and it has been relatively trouble free so far, including updates.
Is there an alternative system to use?
I have heard of Linux. Is that the same sort of thing?
Let's hope it sorts itself out.
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27th September 2016, 21:46
Hi, Ros!
I had exactly the same thing happen to me with my computer the day before yesterday! (See vague reference in post 9862!)
It didn't "freeze" for quite as long as did yours, but I was unable to use it for some time.
It said it was updating!
It told me it would have to shut down several times - and did so repeatedly !!
And like with you, I was told it was restoring my previous version of Windows!
How very very odd!!!!!
Has anyone else out there experienced this seemingly identical problem?
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27th September 2016, 21:47
Have no idea about Linux, rusty. One of my sons is in charge of the computer. I had no trouble at all until today. If it happens to you, just leave the machine, it will eventually sort itself out.
There's a lot of stuff on the web about these updates
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27th September 2016, 21:53
I have Linux and it is problem-less (touch wood!)
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