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26th September 2016, 13:47
Hi rusty
I wondered if they knew they would be returning to America and wanted the baby's grave where someone might tend it- the Quaker family, maybe? I don't know. It wouldn't have been easy, taking a body that far,even in February.
9881 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th September 2016, 14:23
Good afternoon, Rusty!
There is definitely an Autumnal feel indoors today!
We have even put on our heating - on a very low setting, but just enough to take away the chill!
I do believe it feels warmer out!
What is "unfreeing" my week?
Well, tomorrow has always been "arranged" since our last husband has another appointment with the physiotherapist at the Respiratory Clinic.
The breathing exercises are beginning to prove helpful with regard to his bronchiectasis (the by-product of his lung operation).
This may be his last necessary visit.
Should the physiotherapist be satisfied that he is doing the exercises properly and to their maximum potential, she may discharge him, leaving him to continue them at home indefinitely.
It has been a worthwhile enterprise!
Otherwise, various things have developed over the weekend, and this morning, resulting in visits from daughters!
Younger daughter and Baby are coming over here on Thursday for the day.
And elder daughter and the boys are coming to stay for the weekend - arriving Friday after school.
(This latter does depend on the pup's remaining okay, as he is being left in our son-in -law's care at home!)
So as you can see....a busy week unfolding!
How were the "new" trail shoes?
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26th September 2016, 17:56
Hello, Elle!
Hope your husband gets on well at his clinic.
With your daughters and families, you will be hectic!
Shoes were fine. Excellent grip with having unused soles.
I have been reading up on Wiggins and Andrew Marr.
The opinions most have is that Marr was the wrong man to interview him.
He knows little about cycling and/or doping.
Team Sky and Wiggins come out of this very poorly.
And why won't Team Sky answer the phone!
It stinks!
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26th September 2016, 19:24
Hi, Rusty!
I am glad to hear that your trail shoes are a success!
I am still wearing my nubucks (vibram soles).......from pair of boots I ever possessed!
Very comfortable and good grippers!
I didn't get around to watching the Andrew Marr show....though it is recorded - it seems as though there is very little point in my now doing so?
I'm thinking Team Sky are not answering the phone to limit damage /scandal?
Their lawyer is probably advising "No comment"!
Have you watched/ recorded Eggheads?
The two new team members took part today! They did well.
Philosopher bumped into a medical practitioner (13)
Answer: met a physician
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26th September 2016, 21:00
Good evening, Elle!
I do not know your word but can see the parsing.
I think Trespass is a good shop.
First class gear at sensible prices.
No, best not bother with Andrew Marr.
He did not ask the right questions and was too easily satisfied.
The NHS have said they would be dead against the treatment Team Sky got for Wiggins.
You have to be very ill, not about to ride a Grand Tour.
Tom Dumoulin is correct.
It should never have been allowed.
Someone needing these injections genuinely, should have been withdrawn from the Tour as they would have been too ill to race.
It stinks!
I have recorded Eggheads.
Will have a look if I remember.
9885 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th September 2016, 22:18
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, Trespass is a good has some great Sales too!
I bought my boots at half price and also a padded waterproof jacket similarly reduced!
I have just been watching "Cold Feet".
There has been a gap of thirteen years - both in real life and in the storyline - and yet I am still liking it as much as I did "back then"!
I can recommend it!
I don't think anything is going to improve much in the world of sport and drug taking......I think we shall have to learn to live with it........ or give up watching?
Maybe it was better in the days before whistle-blowing.......on the premise that what we didn't know couldn't harm / offend/ upset us?
I don't know?
It is sad that sportspeople we once liked and respected turn out sometimes to have feet of clay.
But I can see no foreseeable solution in the future.
What a dismal prospect!
9886 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th September 2016, 08:58
Good morning, Elle!
Bit dreich here.
You won't go wrong shopping at Trespass.
There is a lot more on the bike forums and European press regarding Wiggins/Brailsford/Team Sky.
"Bunch of hypocrites" is one of the kinder expressions used.
The Fancy Bears site has accused both Williams sisters as "dopers", too.
i had a wee look at the betting for BBC Sports Personality of the Year, and was pleased to see Alistair Brownlee is favourite.
Be nice of he won, though I may plump for Mrs Kenny!
Why do we say "plump"?
Anyway, I am off for a walk and some Madeira cake!
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27th September 2016, 10:14
Good morning, Rusty!
I should be spoiled for choice as to whom to vote for in the Sports Personality of the Year Awards.
I agree that Alistair Brownlee is a worthy nominee - especially after his recent heroic effort helping Jonny over the line.
But there is Jess Ennis- Hill and Dame Sarah Storey, who I would consider........I like them both.
I shall ponder.......
Will you have a bet on Alistair?
It is sunny here........but cool enough to be really pleasant out and about.
I hope you had a good walk - didn't get too wet - and bought your madeira cake!
We are off very shortly to the hospital.........
My crossword will have to wait for my return.
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27th September 2016, 10:51
Hello, Elle!
Good luck for the hospital.
Dame Sarah for me, I think.
I like Jess Ennis, too, and Mrs Kenny.
Now, Alistair Brownlee!
A great display of sportsmanship towards his brother.
Reminded me of Derek Redmond's father helping him to complete the race at the Olympics.
But surely Johnny should have been disqualified for accepting help? Or, was he? Mind you, he had no choice in the matter.
His brother just did it!
I'll have a wee bet just for fun, like BGT.
I still think Jasmine Elcock should have won!
I bought a lemon cake!
PS Did you know that, that horrible lot at British Cycling turned down Dame Sarah's offer to ride in the upcoming World Championships on the road?
9889 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th September 2016, 13:31
Good afternoon, Rusty!
All went well at the hospital!
The physiotherapist was pleased with my husband's progress with the breathing exercises, and says she does not need to see him again unless he encounters problems. She is not discharging him until after the Winter, and has left it that if he has trouble, he can ring her and she will see him straightaway.
If all goes well, after twelve months she will automatically discharge him.
But he can go back and see her any time after that, with a referral letter from his GP.
Sounds good?
And a similar setup to the one you previously had with your hospital Consultant?
There is no penalty for accepting "help" in the Triathlon; assistance is permitted.
So , no, Jonny wasn't disqualified.
Jasmine Elcock - she was the fourteen year old singer, was she not?
Came on very early in the competition?
I thought she was great!
I think Simon Cowell offered her a recording contract?
I thought Sarah wanted to "help" Lizzie win the race? So she is not being allowed to ride?
Surely she has more than proved her competency?
(how many gold medals has she got?!) for coffee and the overdue crossword.......
9890 of 30765  -   Report This Post