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28th September 2016, 12:16
Hi, Rusty!
I forgot to answer your query before about Elly.........
Levi's brothers were asking "discreet" questions about his experiences in the West, and appeared to know that Elly had died (query, how did they know) but not why.
He told them she had been killed by a rattlesnake.
But that was the only reference.
Chores mostly done....... washing "hoisted" first thing ...... hoovering and dusting done........beds made for family visiting (if they are still coming; depending on puppy)
Crossword finished a long time ago.
What shall I do now.....?
I had it in mind to sort out all "My Contacts" within Hotmail, as Outlook has been messing everything up.......but Outlook will not let me access them!
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28th September 2016, 12:48
Morning Elle/Rusty,

Any news on puppy yet?

Fantastic weather here !
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28th September 2016, 13:27
Good afternoon, Pigale!
Glad you have nice weather.
Not so nice here, I'm afraid.
Bit damp and cold!
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28th September 2016, 13:38
Good afternoon, Elle.
I cannot remember how the Zendts would know about Elly?
i am trying to remember if Laura Lou Booker from the orphanage comes back into the story.
Probably not, but she was good to Elly and I hope she got on fine....and avoided the tight-fisted marmalade millionaires from Dundee!
Not a day for "hoisting" up here, more a tumbly dryer/drier day.
Which is it? Dryer or drier?
Dryer looks better?
Any news on the puppy?
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28th September 2016, 16:54
Hi, Rusty!
We have just come is such a lovely day, we have been spending time out in the park with the dog.
I haven't brought the washing in yet...but I am sure it will be dry!
According to Chambers (!) it can be tumbler drier or dryer - so take your pick!
Put on the spot, I am wondering which I normally use.........I think "drier"?
Now the far not very good rather wonders about the efficiency of the vet?
Pup is now severely constipated with impacted faeces, so that has to be removed.
Also, his sodium level is high?
This is more usually low, after severe diarrhoea and dehydration, which is pup's initial diagnosis.
Upshot....puppy is on a drip overnight (again) and more blood tests are being taken.
Thank you for asking.......
I liked the sound of Laura Lou - she was a good friend to Elly, but I cannot envisage how she might be weaved into the tale again......?
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28th September 2016, 17:22
Hello, Elle,
Poor pup! He will be in discomfort.
Let us hope he will be improved by tomorrow with the drip etc.
I think I favour "drier", too.
I am probably imagining things with Laura Lou, that she turned up at Levi's door.
There is a lot of characters to keep track of!
And Laura Lou was one of the good guys, though!
I hope she met a fine young man.
Still a bit wet here.
Never mind. Gales tomorrow!
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28th September 2016, 19:16
Good evening, Rusty!
I didn't realise that you had a feeling that Laura Lou reappeared!
You might well be right.......let us hope so!
After all, it isn't often that a largish character doesn't enter back into the saga?
And quite a point was made of Laura Lou - not just in the beginning at the orphanage, but Elly did write to her several times?
So maybe .......
I have spoken to both daughters.
No further news yet on the pup.
Younger daughter and Baby are coming to see us tomorrow!
That will be nice!
We are meant to have heavy rain until midday.
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28th September 2016, 20:26
Hello, Elle!
Now, I may be wrong about Laura Lou, but there is something at the back of my mind.
You will be well occupied tomorrow then.
Be nice to see your family.
So no lunch with the ladies?
The wind is getting up here.
Bridge is closed to double decked buses just now.
My friends in Norn Iron say it is pretty wild there this evening.
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28th September 2016, 20:58
Hey, Rusty!
I will let you know if Laura Lou does re-enter the story
(I hope she does!)
Yes, I should certainly be kept busy tomorrow!
Daughter and Baby are coming for about 10.30.......that just gives me time for a quick tidy-up after I get home from the park!
"Ladies who Lunch " has been on hold for a few friend moved away to live nearer to family.......another has been on holiday.
We may resurrect it at the end of October.
We shall see how things develop.
However, I still seem to have been eating out a lot!!
Does the closure of the bridge to double -decker buses mean no service? or do they run special single deckers in the bad weather periods?
All quiet here rain.......

Hello, Pigale!
I am so very sorry....I have only just noticed your earlier post.
Otherwise I would of course have answered sooner.
Thank you for asking after our daughter's puppy.
That is very kind of you.
As you will perhaps have read , all is not going well in that quarter.
We are just hoping for better news tomorrow.
I'm not overly impressed by their vet.
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28th September 2016, 21:11
Hello Elle,

Don't worry about delay in answering, it happens!

It's a great shame that your daughter does not live closer to you; if she did, you would be able to recommend your own vet - It may be more serious than just something eaten in the park! (Hope I am wrong)
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