Hey, Rusty!
I will let you know if Laura Lou does re-enter the story
(I hope she does!)
Yes, I should certainly be kept busy tomorrow!
Daughter and Baby are coming for about 10.30.......that just gives me time for a quick tidy-up after I get home from the park!
"Ladies who Lunch " has been on hold for a few weeks.....one friend moved away to live nearer to family.......another has been on holiday.
We may resurrect it at the end of October.
We shall see how things develop.
However, I still seem to have been eating out a lot!!
Does the closure of the bridge to double -decker buses mean no service? or do they run special single deckers in the bad weather periods?
All quiet here ...so far...no winds....no rain.......
Hello, Pigale!
I am so very sorry....I have only just noticed your earlier post.
Otherwise I would of course have answered sooner.
Thank you for asking after our daughter's puppy.
That is very kind of you.
As you will perhaps have read , all is not going well in that quarter.
We are just hoping for better news tomorrow.
I'm not overly impressed by their vet.