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24th September 2016, 19:01
Hello, Elle!
What about the doctors who say these folk are asthmatic and need TUE's?
Do they have agendas? Can they be trusted?
Why should not the doctors be corrupt as well?
Team Sky once employed a doctor who has since been banned for life, worldwide, for doping violations, by USADA.
He doped the Rabobank team.
Sky have acknowledged that it was a mistake to use him, but nobody is saying he or Sky did anything wrong.
My argument is that the doping would not show up in their medical files if it was done in an underhand way.
The team doctor would not know about it.

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24th September 2016, 19:16
Update, Elle,
David Walsh has just tweeted.
"The more I look into Wiggins TUE's the murkier they seem.
I've tried to explain in tomorrow's ST how it happened."
So, you normally purchase Sunday Times and you can read what Walsh has to say, for yourself.
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24th September 2016, 19:59
Hi, Rusty!
What you say is very true, and I doubt that anyone will get to the bottom of the doping situation.
But how to deal with it, and how to establish a level playing field for all sporting competitors?
Yes, we shall buy the Sunday Times tomorrow and I shall read what David Walsh has to say.
This hacking into private files seems so easy?
And the Banks would have us believe that online banking is safe?
I shall never be convinced of that!
I have been catching up on a programme I recorded ages ago.
"The Other Wife" based on a book of that name by Rosamunde Pilcher.
I do not recall reading the book, but I am enjoying watching the "two-parter".
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24th September 2016, 20:43
Good evening, Elle!
The dopers are always ahead.
Doping used to be perfectly legal in cycling, you know.
in the early days they took strychnine and brandy and all sorts of concoctions.
The great French champion Jacques Anquetil once told a press conference, "Of course we dope. Do you think we can ride the Tour on mineral water?"
I am reading, too.
A book about County Kerry. It's good!
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24th September 2016, 21:31
Hello, Elle,
Another tweet from David Walsh.
"I've seen transcript of Andrew Marr interview with Bradley Wiggins. BW and his people chose well! #don't hold your breath,"
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24th September 2016, 21:56
Hi, Rusty!
So obviously the interview with Bradley Wiggins tomorrow is not live.
I hadn't known that.
But it rather sounds as though it is a "put -up" job?
Aimed specifically at clearing Wiggo of any dope allegations?
I shall watch it anyway and see!
I am now an expert in mustering cattle!
This is a fascinating book!
I am even still awake!
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24th September 2016, 22:24
Hello, Elle,
That is exactly how I see it. A put-up job!
I did not know it had been recorded either, but obviously David Walsh is "in the know".
Tom Dumoulin, the Dutch rider, tweeting that Wiggins should not have been allowed to ride after taking injections for asthma.
According to Tom, you have to be nearly at death's door to get asthma injections.
If you are droving cattle, stay away from "drag".
You get all the dust there!
In a chapter or two, you will be an expert on Hereford cattle, and the great bull, King Bristol!
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25th September 2016, 09:39
Good morning, Rusty!
A dreich day!
Quite a surprise after our lovely weather of late.
We are supposed to have sunshine later on
I hope so, as BB is planning on coming to the park with us this afternoon.
He will be hoping to ride his bike!
Have you been out yet for your paper?
I must phone my elder daughter in a little while......her puppy is ill.
She had to rush him to the vet, and he was put on a drip overnight.
It is thought that he ate something untoward in the park.
He has had very bad diarrhoea and consequently was very dehydrated.
It is very worrying, I hope he will be all right.
Are you watching Andrew Marr?
I missed the beginning so will watch it later.
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25th September 2016, 10:15
Good morning, Elle,
Bit dull here.
I do not get a Sunday paper.
I have read David Walsh online, though, and watched Wiggins on Andrew Marr's Show.
I do not think Wiggins came out of it very well, although Marr did not know enough about it, and Team Sky certainly did not come out of it very well.
I also came across an article in Daily Mail which referred to a charity that Wiggins set up to help poor children get into sport.
I think this was in 2012.
The Mail says the charity gave money to three Olympic champions, Trotty, Dani King, and Jo Rowsell. Odd?
It also gave money to Wiggin's son's rugby team.
Now, what are we to make of that?
Some good news though, Trotty and Jason Kenny were wed yesterday, in secret. Dani King was a bridesmaid.
I am heading out to the nature trail.
Wonder if Lassie has reached Africa yet?
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25th September 2016, 11:32
Hi, Rusty!
How was the nature trail?
We haven't bought our Sunday paper yet, but I have now discovered that, if I sign on, I can access reading two articles free in the Times online each week!
Now how about that?
Very useful!
(I suspect it is most probably meant as a "taster", to entice one to sign on for the full package!)
So I have already read David Walsh's article........
I do not understand how Wiggin's charity could give money to such as Laura Trott et al?
They surely do not qualify as "poor" nor as "underprivileged children"?
Isn't this a gross misuse of funds acquired under false premises?
Is it going to be investigated?
Congrats to Laura and Jason!
I have finished - and fully parsed - the Everyman!
Though I prefer it to 'linger' for a while.....!
So back to cattle -droving for now........
We are going out later on this afternoon - and the sun is now shining!
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