Good morning, Elle,
Bit dull here.
I do not get a Sunday paper.
I have read David Walsh online, though, and watched Wiggins on Andrew Marr's Show.
I do not think Wiggins came out of it very well, although Marr did not know enough about it, and Team Sky certainly did not come out of it very well.
I also came across an article in Daily Mail which referred to a charity that Wiggins set up to help poor children get into sport.
I think this was in 2012.
The Mail says the charity gave money to three Olympic champions, Trotty, Dani King, and Jo Rowsell. Odd?
It also gave money to Wiggin's son's rugby team.
Now, what are we to make of that?
Some good news though, Trotty and Jason Kenny were wed yesterday, in secret. Dani King was a bridesmaid.
I am heading out to the nature trail.
Wonder if Lassie has reached Africa yet?