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8th September 2016, 11:59
Thanks rusty.
I am currently putting non-slip oil on the patio floor I laid in the spring. Nearly cracked my head open skidding on the previous one! (It's a sunken patio, I hit myself on the way down but luckily not seriously. A wake-up call)
9611 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th September 2016, 12:09
Good afternoon (just), Rusty!
We went to the dog groomers on the wrong day!!
My fault entirely!
I even wrote it down on the wall calendar as being Friday, the 9th, but somehow had it fixed firmly in my head that it was today, Thursday.
And of course, I never consulted the calendar again!
Ah well, not to worry..........after all, better a day earlier than to miss the appointment altogether by being a day too late!
(We shall have to go through it all again tomorrow)
So in recompense to the poor dog - who had missed her early morning walk - we went straight from the groomers to the park!
Only just got home again.
I'm glad your programme was good.
I have heard of Patek Philippe watches.
Astronomical prices!
But this one owned by Henry Graves is indeed incredible.
And to fetch in excess of fifteen million pounds! Whew!
(I like Del Potro!)
What are you up to for the rest of the day?

Hello, Ros!
I looked up Blue Morphos.........
Yes, we did see some - quite a lot in fact.
Some paler blue ones and some much darker ones.
I liked the darker ones better.
The "Butterfly Jungle" would have been more interesting had there been more explicit information.
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8th September 2016, 13:29
Hello, Elle!
I was a day early for hospital appointment last year!
They still seen me, though!
So, I would not give the dog appointment another thought.
Stuff happens!
Yes, an amazing watch that Henry had made.
I'd suggest the craftmanship is incredible.
And it was auctioned in the city where it was made!
I had a look at it on YouTube.
Lovely chimes!
Patek Philippe made another one many years later, but I know nothing about it, so, I shall have to do a bit of detective work to find it.
The holiday folk are moving to an island for three days!
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8th September 2016, 14:52
Good afternoon, Rusty!
The travellers are moving to an island?
Was this part of their original itinerary? or is it a sudden 'whim'?
With my (lack of) knowledge of Geography, I of course have no idea which islands are nearby to Orlando?
The Bahamas? Is it to one of these islands that they are headed?
They will have some wonderful experiences and photographs to relate / show/ to you when they return home.
Do you ever have a yen to travel?
Or have you "been there, done that"?
Probably you have.
The furthest afield I have ever been is to Africa.
These days the most we do is travel across the UK!
(Mind you, we have always had a "domestic menagerie" and usually we take them along on holiday with us!)
I hope your rain has stopped?
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8th September 2016, 15:05
Hello, Elle!
I do not know if the island jaunt was planned or not.
It is off the Florida coast.
So, there will be plenty photos, I'm sure.
Most of my traveling has been back and forward over the Irish Sea!
Plenty enough for me.
Well, the rain has stopped here, thank goodness!
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8th September 2016, 15:24
Hi, Rusty!
I have just noticed I have mail in my Inbox..... and what did I find but a photo of BB - taken in full school uniform, before leaving for his afternoon with the teacher and new classmates.
And......wait for it......he has had his haircut between yesterday and today.....all his curly mop has virtually gone!
This is the shortest I have ever seen his hair!
His mum should have warned me!
(His curls are all just like mine were when I was little! all over my head!)
I feel a bit weepy! I hope his mop grows back soon!
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8th September 2016, 16:46
Oh dear, elle. My grandson got shorn for the first day of his year, too. I expect it was quite a shock. BB may never have such curls again until he is a teenager, when you won't be able to see his face! I bet the baby is missing his brother.
I used t love travelling all over the world, but not now. There is so much to see in the UK
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8th September 2016, 23:01
What a picture you conjure up , Ros!
I had to smile!
No it wasn't that BB had worn his hair long......rather that the curls had lain evenly over his head.
Whereas, the "new" hairstyle is rather more like a "short back and sides"!
Daughter has explained it since, however........
Apparently the usual hairdresser was very busy, so rather than wait she tried some one else........
I don't think she will be repeating that mistake!
(and his hair will grow)
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8th September 2016, 23:10
Hello, Elle!
BB will be fine.
Hair grows quickly!
Put it out of your mind.
The island is off the Florida coast, I think.
They have rented a beach house for three nights.
They like it there.
And all is well with the girls!
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9th September 2016, 07:34
I wonder what BB thought of his hair cut? It will soon grow again. My grandson cut a very short fringe into his sister's hair a couple of months ago and it looks good now!
What prompted what I wrote was finding a photo of my younger son aged 19 (at a silver wedding party). He has hair flowing down to about 8" below his shoulders on all sides. It's a back view and I identified him by the hair! Now has a grade 2
Staying on a Florida Island sounds great rusty. Maybe they'll encounter a coc or alligator, whichever Florida has. Is it very hot where they are?
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