Good afternoon (just), Rusty!
We went to the dog groomers on the wrong day!!
My fault entirely!
I even wrote it down on the wall calendar as being Friday, the 9th, but somehow had it fixed firmly in my head that it was today, Thursday.
And of course, I never consulted the calendar again!
Ah well, not to worry..........after all, better a day earlier than to miss the appointment altogether by being a day too late!
(We shall have to go through it all again tomorrow)
So in recompense to the poor dog - who had missed her early morning walk - we went straight from the groomers to the park!
Only just got home again.
I'm glad your programme was good.
I have heard of Patek Philippe watches.
Astronomical prices!
But this one owned by Henry Graves is indeed incredible.
And to fetch in excess of fifteen million pounds! Whew!
(I like Del Potro!)
What are you up to for the rest of the day?
Hello, Ros!
I looked up Blue Morphos.........
Yes, we did see some - quite a lot in fact.
Some paler blue ones and some much darker ones.
I liked the darker ones better.
The "Butterfly Jungle" would have been more interesting had there been more explicit information.