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6th September 2016, 16:29
Good afternoon, Elle!
Grand day here.
The travellers are doing fine.
Their hotel is "lovely"!
It looks impressive.
They sent me pics of it.
Watched a bit of T of B today.
Pleased to see Ian Stannard win the stage.
Any sign of your American book yet?

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6th September 2016, 17:39
Hi, Rusty!
I am glad to hear that your son and his wife are enjoying their holiday.
It is good that they like their hotel - nice to be cosseted and looked after for a change!
I have been out nearly all day......walking the dog, having my hair cut, then visiting friends......a good day!
Interestingly, I took the Sebastian Faulks novel that I am reading - "Human Traces" - with me to the hairdressers this morning, in case I had to wait.
Another customer saw it and had also read it!
So we had a most interesting discussion about it!
Maybe a bit like going to a Book Club? (I've never been to one!)
No sign of "Centennial" as yet......although I have been told it has been "dispatched".
I think the arrival date I was given was September 7th - 27th
How long ago did I order it? About ten days ago, I think?
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6th September 2016, 18:08
Hello, Elle!
About 3 weeks is the usual time from the States.
Yes, all is good in Florida!
I was in a History Book Club a long time ago.
Was quite good.
No meetings, or anything, just history books to order.
Hope you like Centennial!
He consulted umpteen experts in their field, on all sorts.
Paleontology, geology, Early Man, cattle trails, Oregon Trail, guns, irrigation, etc etc.
If Michener does not know something, he goes and finds out!
Fine evening here.
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6th September 2016, 19:19
Hi, Rusty!
I think most "Book Clubs" (so called now) work on the principle that all members read the same book and then meet again to discuss the text/plot.
I have so far resisted joining a Club, because I don't relish the idea of reading a book that I might not necessarily "fancy".
I can see there are advantages in its widening one's horizons in reading options, but I don't like the idea of possibly wasting time, when I might instead be reading a book of my own specific choice.
Does that make sense to you?
I believe that a TV mini-series was made based on "Centennial"?
Did you watch it?
I am looking forward to reading the book - especially if the story is backed by "true" historical facts.
It's fine here, too - but warm and humid again!
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6th September 2016, 20:17
Hello, Elle,
That is a different sounding club to the History Club.
I merely chose a book, bought it, and that was the end of it.
Think I had to buy one a month.
Yes, I mentioned the TV series.
Yes, I enjoyed it.
Cant remember the cast much though.
I know Richard Chamberlain played Alexander McKeag and Robert Conrad played Pasquinel.
I have an idea that Barbara Carrera played Clay Basket.
Lynn Redgrave and Robert Vaughan were in it, too.
And.... George Clooney was an "extra"!
The novel is "spun" around historical facts.
The drought of 1932-35 is very accurate.
Cattle ranching and the arrival of the Hereford breed are factual etc.
Life with the Mennonites in Lancaster County is covered very well, as is the part the Native Americans played in all this. Mainly the Arapaho.
And the journeys West on the Oregon Trail etc are very accurate.
Give it a go!
If you like it, there are many more he wrote.
You could even learn about the Pribilofs!
La Bamba texted me. She wants to go for lunch tomorrow!
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6th September 2016, 21:00
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, you are right!
You did tell me about the TV series!
As soon as you mentioned Richard Chamberlain, I remembered your telling me!
Sorry! I had forgotten.
It sounds a good series.......
I am sure I shall enjoy the book.
I remember Richard Chamberlain being in "The Thorn Birds".
This was again a mini-series, based on a book by Colleen McCullough.
But I thought the book far superior to the TV programme.
It is about an ill-fated romance between a Catholic priest and a woman in the Australian outback.
Have you read it? or seen the TV series?
I, too, am going out for lunch tomorrow!
I am meeting my daughter with BB and Baby.
BB doesn't start school "proper" until next Monday, so we are having a last day out together at Hall Place, the Stately Home with the magnificent gardens in Bexley.
I believe we might be going to an Owl exhibition.
It should be good!
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6th September 2016, 21:18
Have a great day with the family, elle. I went to an owl centre once for someone's birthday and made an owl cake. I carved out an owl shape (and a twig, and claws of paste) and covered the bird with white sugar paste. It took me a whole day to paint it! I have retired from fancy cakes now except for grandchildren's birthdays. Next year the little girl will get a fairy castle to beat all fairy castles. Will have to collect baked bean tins etc to bake the turrets in!

Has the baby learned to crawl yet? I think it's so funny when they haven't quite got it.

I see what you mean about reading books you might not want to, elle, but you can aways skip a month. I belong to a book club, last evening we discussed "The Humans" by Matt Haig (I think). I would never, ever have picked up that book but I really enjoyed it. Absolutely brilliant, laugh out loud but still seriously exploring what it means to be human. If you are going to discuss a book, you have to read it properly, which I do not always do.
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6th September 2016, 22:51
Thank you, Ros!
I am sure we shall enjoy ourselves! I quite fancy the Owl visitation! Apparently , we can hold the birds if we wish!
The baby is good at shifting his rear quarters but doesn't move his hands and arms.
So either stays stationary, or falls forwards onto his nose!
It will come!
No, I cannot see me joining a book club, altho I enjoyed a discussion in the hairdressers today about Sebastian Faulks as an author!
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7th September 2016, 09:25
Good morning, Rusty!
Dull as yet, but fine.
I am hoping for some sunshine!
I am away out shortly - off to catch the train over to my daughter's.
I hope you enjoy your lunch with Miss La Bamba!
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7th September 2016, 10:12
Good morning, Elle!
Fine, coolish morning here,
Hope you enjoy the family and the owls!
The travellers had a helicopter tour in Florida yesterday.
Seems to be "all-go" every day in America.
I am looking forward to my bacon roll, or will I have a change!
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