Hello, Elle,
That is a different sounding club to the History Club.
I merely chose a book, bought it, and that was the end of it.
Think I had to buy one a month.
Yes, I mentioned the TV series.
Yes, I enjoyed it.
Cant remember the cast much though.
I know Richard Chamberlain played Alexander McKeag and Robert Conrad played Pasquinel.
I have an idea that Barbara Carrera played Clay Basket.
Lynn Redgrave and Robert Vaughan were in it, too.
And.... George Clooney was an "extra"!
The novel is "spun" around historical facts.
The drought of 1932-35 is very accurate.
Cattle ranching and the arrival of the Hereford breed are factual etc.
Life with the Mennonites in Lancaster County is covered very well, as is the part the Native Americans played in all this. Mainly the Arapaho.
And the journeys West on the Oregon Trail etc are very accurate.
Give it a go!
If you like it, there are many more he wrote.
You could even learn about the Pribilofs!
La Bamba texted me. She wants to go for lunch tomorrow!