Hi, Rusty!
Yes, it does now sound as thought the tsunami fears in NZ have been somewhat exaggerated.
Yet yesterday, I read somewhere that the inhabitants in and around Auckland had been told to "grab a radio and head for the hills"!
I have heard from my friend...she said very briefly that she was fine and just about to go to bed!
She will email me on awaking, and fill me in on what is happening out there!
So one thing less to worry about....!
I am glad you found the half loaves!
They may well solve your problem?
You and the girls can investigate toasters - cum - egg cookers, whilst your son and daughter-in -law are away?
(It will keep the girls out of mischief! I do wonder who looks after whom on these occasions!!)
If you don't have a microwave (I cook my eggs in the microwave; and I think you said that you didn't have one?) then a combined toaster /egg poacher may be ideal for you.
Ros certainly seems to like hers!
Yes, I thought the osprey canvases are very expensive - I am sure they would get more requests were the price a little lower.
Hello, Pigale!
Please don't "send" us any more hot weather!
You "keep " it and enjoy it!
I am just enjoying the cooler temps that we are at present experiencing!
Today is very pleasant!
We even have a breeze!