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2nd September 2016, 08:53
Good morning, Elle!
There are warnings out for every county in Florida today.
Several communities have had mandatory "move" instructions.
It came ashore during the night.
After Florida, it appears to be heading for the Carolinas, as it progresses, then up the East Coast..
Hopefully, things will improve over the weekend!
My son never mentioned the hurricane last night!
I have a book here, which I will NOT be dipping into, about the deadliest hurricane to hit USA.
The book is Isaac's Storm, and it is about the hurricane that hit Galveston, Texas, in 1900.
Over 6,000 killed. Scary!

Good morning, Jazzgirl,
Thank you for the links.
Very informative.
I have the Orlando Sentinel newspaper online and that has lots of info, too.
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2nd September 2016, 10:23
Hi, Rusty!
Oh dear! It doesn't sound good, does it?
Have you spoken to your son today?
I should think the 'sensible' option would be for him to postpone his holiday?
Why go to a potential danger area if it is not absolutely necessary?
The trouble is there is so little time for them to make a decision if they are planning to leave tomorrow........
I have tried to contact my friend in NZ - I have left a message but have yet to hear back.
I hope she is ok.
Always trouble somewhere for someone.......
It puts minor worries into prospective, doesn't it?
Cooler today - very pleasant out walking!
And the correct crosswords have arrived this morning!
Coffee is at the ready!
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2nd September 2016, 10:46
Hello, Elle!
Today's Glasgow>Orlando flight has left, several minutes ago.
They would not fly unless they felt it was safe.
I shall track the flight, on and off, during today.
It is Sunday my son flies.
So things may be better then.
No point in worrying.
It is a fine day out.
I like the coolness!
I may have a wee look through the Orlando Sentinel to see if they have a crossword.
Don't think they go in for cryptics much in the USA.
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2nd September 2016, 11:44
Hi, Rusty!
Oh it is Sunday that he goes......well, at least a little longer then to see how the land lies.......
(sorry, that was an inadvertent pun!)
It feels surprisingly chilly today! I guess it is just by contrast, altho I have to say that I much prefer it!
If I had to choose whether I lived in a hot climate or a cold one, I should opt for the cold one every time!
I looked on the osprey site to see whether there was any mention of the birds' respective journeys - I wondered whether they were tracked for a time, and reports might be given?
I see that in case folk are " getting osprey withdrawal symptoms already", osprey canvases are being offered for sale!
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2nd September 2016, 12:37
Hello, Elle!
I have been looking at "foreign" news channels to see what they are saying about the hurricane.
Fox News is dire, as usual, but CNN had a good coverage.
The best reports, however, appear to come from Al Jazeera.
They also covered the NZ earthquake and say there is little risk of a tsunami.
It is a fine day now.
I do not think our ospreys are tracked any more.
It is quite expensive, I believe.
So, the birds just have ID tags fitted.
It would be nice if we got reports of their travels.
The canvases are expensive!
I saw the half packs of bread in ASDA today.
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2nd September 2016, 13:06
Hia there!

The ospreys canvases are reasonably expensive in as much that they were specially produced from photographs - But since I don't think they supply the necessary cottons of appropriate colour, then yes, it makes them very expensive. You can almost double the price by adding the cottons (or it is so here anyway).

Hope your family will travel safely and enjoy a peaceful holiday Rusty.
As you say, should there be any risk, all flights would be suspended.

Hot here today - 32 plus in the sun! I think some of our heat will reach GB next week, so be warned!
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2nd September 2016, 13:26
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, it does now sound as thought the tsunami fears in NZ have been somewhat exaggerated.
Yet yesterday, I read somewhere that the inhabitants in and around Auckland had been told to "grab a radio and head for the hills"!
I have heard from my friend...she said very briefly that she was fine and just about to go to bed!
She will email me on awaking, and fill me in on what is happening out there!
So one thing less to worry about....!
I am glad you found the half loaves!
They may well solve your problem?
You and the girls can investigate toasters - cum - egg cookers, whilst your son and daughter-in -law are away?
(It will keep the girls out of mischief! I do wonder who looks after whom on these occasions!!)
If you don't have a microwave (I cook my eggs in the microwave; and I think you said that you didn't have one?) then a combined toaster /egg poacher may be ideal for you.
Ros certainly seems to like hers!
Yes, I thought the osprey canvases are very expensive - I am sure they would get more requests were the price a little lower.

Hello, Pigale!
Please don't "send" us any more hot weather!
You "keep " it and enjoy it!
I am just enjoying the cooler temps that we are at present experiencing!
Today is very pleasant!
We even have a breeze!
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2nd September 2016, 13:42
Hello, Elle,
I have a microwave oven and a slow cooker and a electric kettle. I have a conventional cooker but never use it.
It is brand new!
Oh, the girls are in charge of me!
Laura Muir is the Diamond League winner.
She is very pleased!
I am awaiting the postie, so meantime I shall try and find out why a tennis stadium is named after a musician!

Hello, Pigale!
Yes, I think they would not fly if there was a risk.
Fingers crossed!
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2nd September 2016, 14:21
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Sorry about my thinking you didn't have a microwave!
(Someone told me recently that he didn't have who could that be? I am getting confused in my "dotage"!)
Well, if you have a microwave you can poach eggs in that - and just buy an "ordinary" toaster?
A much cheaper option!
(I was just trying to make life easier for you in suggesting the double gadget!)
I am very pleased for Laura!
And apart from the glory, I think there is a considerable monetary hand- out?
A lot of the awards seem to be already decided ......ahead of the last Diamond League to be held in Brussels on September 9th.
The last event will be a bit of a let down, if so many awards have already been decided.
Are you still wondering about the Louis Armstrong Stadium?
Was I wrong then in thinking that this was so called because "Satchmo" lived near there?
No postie to wait for, so I am now going out with the dog.......!
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2nd September 2016, 15:56
Good afternoon, Elle!
Laura gets 30,000 something or other. Maybe Euros?
I think the next Diamond meeting may be for events that were not held at Zurich.
My life is very easy.
Best not be buying "things" and complicating it.
Yes, Satchmo lived near the stadium.
That surprised me,
I thought he would have lived in the South.
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