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4th September 2016, 10:47
Ros, the example you gave to Rusty (about the goat) is what I would call a doggerel?
(I could of course be wrong- I'm not well up on these technical terms!)
I accept "blank verse" - that sounds good!
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4th September 2016, 10:51
Hello, Pigale!
I must be feeling perverse this morning.... it is precisely the "sing-song" quality that I don't like about "rhyming" poetry!
I prefer the starker effect of blank verse (as Ros tells me it is called)
I see, like me, you are left with poems, and remnants thereof, that you learn when young!
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4th September 2016, 10:53
Hi, Rusty!
The one about the cow sounds rather like the efforts of William McGonagall!
He of "The Tay Bridge Disaster" fame !
Was it, by any chance?
I can understand poetry of that nature /standard putting you off!
But I think there are some "worthwhile" poems that make good reading.
I hadn't realised that the Tour of Britain starts today.
Thank you for reminding me.
I shall have to record it as we shall be out by that time.
I spoke too soon about the is now (lightly) raining!
Specks on the window by which I am sitting!
Didn't Johnny Cash record "At Folsome Prison" actually live at the prison?
You will probably know about that?
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4th September 2016, 10:59
Sorry, no idea who wrote the couplet about the goat!
Doggerel is what does not rhyme and does not scan, either! Rather like McGonagall - sorry if I have spelled his name incorredtly, no time to check!
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4th September 2016, 11:01
I stand corrected, Ros - "couplet" it is!
I knew I'd get it wrong!
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4th September 2016, 11:25
Hello, Elle!
I have no idea who wrote the lines I mentioned.
McGonagall was an Edinburgh man, nothing to do with us!
i have read some poems but I just can not see anything in them.
They are from a bygone age.
Yes, this is a documentary about the concert at Folsom.
Interviews etc. Hope it is good.
He did concerts at San Quentin prison, too.
A song I like is "Forty Shades of Green" which I thought was a traditional Irish song.
Not so. Was written by Johnny Cash, when he visited Ireland.
Best check up on this flight!
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4th September 2016, 12:48
Hi, Rusty!
Are you managing to trace the flight?
How long does it take to fly from Dundee to Orlando?
Are they based in one place when they get there - or will they be touring? we are off out.....
It has fortunately stopped raining but is still a bit chilly.
But I rather like that - it is more invigorating than of late and we can stride out on our walk.
Should be back about teatime!
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4th September 2016, 13:11
Hello, Elle!
Flight is from Glasgow International to Orlando International and takes eight and a half hours.
Dundee to Glasgow is just under two hours driving.
They have a motor car booked and shall collect it when they land.
They have lots of things to do and places to see.
Including picking up Miss Orlando when she lands there in a fortnight.
Yes, I am tracking it and have noticed it is further to the North and further West than normal.
This will be to miss the storms progressing up the East Coast.
There are storm/hurricane warnings all the way up to Connecticut and New York State.
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4th September 2016, 16:40
Hi, Rusty!
Home again!
We had a great walk - it was a lot fresher out and we could walk at a reasonably brisk pace without feeling too warm.
We were even "drizzled" upon which was rather nice!
I didn't realise that it was necessary to go to Glasgow airport to fly to Orlando.
What time should they arrive?
I have had a long email from my friend in NZ.
She says they did not have to move out, because of the tsunami warnings, but are warned that because they are living on a "fault", they should "be aware" in case there are any further problems.
From what she said, I don't think any of the locals are much concerned.
It obviously sounded far worse to us over here, hearing about it!
I finished my Peter May book - I am going to look for more on Amazon - I am definitely a convert!
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4th September 2016, 18:30
Hello, Elle!
The aeroplane will land round about 19.55.
It took a Northerly route passing over the Southern tip of Greenland and gradually South over Labrador and into USA.
The Gatwick planes were on a more Southerly route today.
No idea why!
I'll text my son later this evening.
jo Konta got beat at Flushing Meadow.
Fine evening up here!
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