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4th September 2016, 20:14
Hi, Rusty!
Well, your son and daughter-in -law should be there now, if the plane is on time?
How is it doing?
I hate flying!
What a shame for Jo Konta - I'm trying to keep track.......was that the fourth round?
I have run out of "fresh" reading material so am back on a reread session........
At the moment I am reading "Human Traces" by Sebastian Faulks.
615 pages, so that should keep me busy for a little while!
I hope my one from the US comes soon!
I must order more from Amazon - I'm thinking Peter May as I mentioned earlier.
I still have a little money in my Amazon account.
I shall browse!

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4th September 2016, 20:19
Hello, Elle!
Yes, the aeroplane has landed, on time.
Not heard from them yet.
I think that was Jo's third game?
Why not get a Times Jumbo Cryptic Crossword Book on Amazon?
That would keep you out of mischief for a while!
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4th September 2016, 21:01
Hi, Rusty!
Oh, that is good!
Impressive that the plane arrived on time and good that they had a safe flight!
It will probably take a while to clear customs....... I expect you will hear from them soon.
Is Miss O joining them didn't say how long they would be staying there? - or is she having an independent holiday when she goes out there in a fortnight's time?
Now, I have already got a Times 15 x15 cryptic crossword book from Amazon!
I do dip into it occasionally.
The Jumbo Cryptic though is too difficult for me!
I did think of getting an Everyman book - I like the Everyman! - but mostly they seem to be out of print?
Said "not likely to be available".
(The only one I could find in print cost an astonishingly unlikely £95-07 !!!
Check it out!)
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4th September 2016, 21:11
Hello, Elle!
Not heard from them, yet.
No, Miss Orlando is going with her young man and his family.
They are getting picked up my son at airport.
You should try eBay, too.
That's what I do, if faced with a daft price on Amazon.
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4th September 2016, 22:09
Hi, Rusty!
My cousin rang just after I'd last "spoken" to you.
Our usual Sunday hour-long chat!
I have only just come off the phone!
Any word yet? It may be that your son cannot get a signal?
But at least you know that they have arrived safely as you tracked the flight.
I remember now that Miss O previously went to Orlando with her boyfriend and his family.
I shall have a look on ebay later...but I am wary about you remember my buying a crossword book before - and it came already filled in??
I had to return it! Fortunately they did send me a replacement "new" one!
How can anyone sell a "used" crossword book?!
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5th September 2016, 10:51
Good (rainy) morning, Elle!
Weather started off fine, this morning, but has turned wet.
All I know about the holiday makers is that they said it is very hot in Orlando. There is a 5 hour time difference between Florida and Scotland, so I probably won't hear until later how things are. They get up early though, as a lot of the "places to go" are a long drive from Orlando.
Did you know there is an Arnold Palmer Children's Hospital in Orlando?
Arnold was a fine golfer, in his day.
And a Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women and Babies?
Arnold and Winnie eloped together when they were young.
Sadly, Winnie died a few years ago.
The Tour goes to the Lake District today.
Carlisle to Kendal.
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5th September 2016, 11:31
Good morning, Rusty!
Dreich here, too, but unlike you, we started off wet!
It was quite nice, walking in the rain!
Poggy dog though!
It is amazing how much more energetic I feel now that it is cooler.
I know of Arnold Palmer.
Did he and his wife endow these hospitals or are they simply named in their honour?
I may be out this afternoon....waiting now to hear...but if so, than I shall have to decide whether to record the Lakes or the Triathlon!
The events clash!
I have a busy week coming up...I don't know how I mismanaged things to this extent!
Especially as, so far, next week is completely free!
Any plans for bacon rolls (butties!) this week with your granddaughters?
(Do they pay if they're "in charge"? or are you "allowed" to treat them!)

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5th September 2016, 13:16
Hello, Elle!
Back in 1989 the Orlando Health folk wanted a specialised hospital for children.
They approached Arnie, who happened to be looking for a charity to endow.
(Arnie is extremely wealthy)
Arnie approved, and endowed the hospital.
I have no plans with the young ones..
I am expecting a deckie this week but have not had a call to say which day or days, he shall appear.
But, the young ones are very thoughtful and always let me pay.
They are only a two minute walk away, so not hard to arrange something!
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5th September 2016, 15:09
Good afternoon, Rusty!
A hospital for children is an excellent project on which to spend one's money!
Good for Mr. Palmer! - and Mrs P. too!
I have been very industrious this morning.......doing odd jobs about the house that I have previously kept putting off!
(I now feel very virtuous!)
I've had my eye on the cyclists, watching their progress through the Lake District - beautiful scenery.
And at least it has stopped raining!
I remember Cockermouth!
I am about to go out, so have set the recorder for the Triathlon........Jonny Brownlee seems to be dong well from the little I have heard on changing channels.........
Will be back by teatime!
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5th September 2016, 19:34
Hey , Rusty!
What are you up to?
Any news from the travellers?
We didn't have any more rain from lunchtime, but it has remained on the chilly side.
I watched a fair bit of the Tour of Britain before going out.
I was somewhat disappointed though that little explanation was given of where the cyclists were going.
I had hoped for some background history.
But it was significant that the commentators remarked on how well- behaved the spectators were, and on how they stood tidily by the roadsides, thus helping ensure the safety of the cyclists!
As this was something that I had remarked on adversely, when watching Le Tour de France , I was very impressed!
The Triathlons went well, especially the Men's event.
Jonny Brownlee coming first.
He is now overall second.
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