Hi, Rusty!
There is still another Diamond League left, on September 9th in Brussels.
So the fact that Laura has already won the DL in that event must mean that she was well enough ahead of any possible contender.
Well done her!!
I like the grey-striped rig that a lot of the athletes are wearing.
I think it is attractive.
I'm surmising that the Louis Armstrong Stadium at Flushing meadow is so called because Louis Armstrong lived near there?
(Although there might well be another reason!)
There is an Arthur Ashe Stadium, too, isn't there?
Your son is very good, the way he brings you "treats" every week!
"Stovies" are a potato dish, aren't they?
Our daughter gave us a box of shortcake biscuits last Monday!
Speaking of which........one would go down well right now with a coffee!