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1st September 2016, 17:54
Hello, Elle!
The pet shop boys seem to be on the ball!
I find most deliveries to be good.
Yes, Jo's win was odd to say the least.
Her opponent was less than happy about the breaks she had, and then a great recovery.
Would it have been allowed against Serena?
I see Miss Sarafova has binned the Nike nightie.
The replacement is just as bad.
A hideous electric greeny/yellow colour.
Edmunds had the same colours.
Laura Muir is running at Zurich tonight.
Not sure what she is up to, but Jenny Meadows is a possible pacemaker, they say.
I won't see it, as I have a visitor.
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1st September 2016, 19:16
Hi, Rusty!
The only photo I have seen so far of a tennis player wearing a coloured shirt in the US Open is one of Juan- Martin Del Potro.
He was wearing rather bilious -looking yellow-ish 'everything' - shirt, shorts and headband!
I wonder if this is the same colour as Lucie Sarafova and Kyle Edmunds wore?
You certainly wouldn't miss him on a dark night!
Can you record the Zurich DL while your son is visiting?
Or otherwise you will be able to watch it on BBC this coming Saturday.
Highlights only though!
(If you can put up with the usual rushed presentation!)
I didn't know that Jenny Meadows was doing pacemaking.
She is a very experienced runner - I feel sure she will do a good job as a pacemaker.
Time for dinner.....
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1st September 2016, 20:23
Good evening, Elle!
Laura got pipped on the line by Shannon Rowbury.
She won overall though.
Yes, Jenny was pacemaking, but I don't think she was fast enough.
The Nike tennis outfits are an awful shade of yellow, and the athletes are in grey.
Why is there a Louis Armstrong court at Flushing Meadow?
My son has gone home.
He brought me stovies.
I am getting spoiled!
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1st September 2016, 20:55
Hi, Rusty!
There is still another Diamond League left, on September 9th in Brussels.
So the fact that Laura has already won the DL in that event must mean that she was well enough ahead of any possible contender.
Well done her!!
I like the grey-striped rig that a lot of the athletes are wearing.
I think it is attractive.
I'm surmising that the Louis Armstrong Stadium at Flushing meadow is so called because Louis Armstrong lived near there?
(Although there might well be another reason!)
There is an Arthur Ashe Stadium, too, isn't there?
Your son is very good, the way he brings you "treats" every week!
"Stovies" are a potato dish, aren't they?
Our daughter gave us a box of shortcake biscuits last Monday!
Speaking of would go down well right now with a coffee!
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1st September 2016, 21:11
Hello, Elle,
On its own the grey vest Is OK.
Not when more than half the field are wearing them.
Yes, Arthur Ashe has a stadium named for him, too.
I think Laura has a four point lead.
Stovies consist of tatties and beef.
I like shortie too, but would need more than one with a coffee!
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1st September 2016, 22:05
Hi, Rusty!
Oh, I see, you meant that Laura is leading so far.......I thought you meant she had actually won!
At the end of the previous Diamond League, some of the winners were already declared then and there, as the leaders were unassailable.
Mind you, I don't know how the scoring works....she could have already won?
If she is four points ahead, can she now be overtaken?
I shall watch it on Saturday.
I am half way through my other book from Amazon - the one by Sebastian Faulks.
I think he might well be an "acquired taste" but I am enjoying it.
I have yet one book "in store" after this - by which time my one from the US may well have arrived!
How are you doing with your book list - what are you reading at the moment?
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1st September 2016, 23:37
Hello, Elle!
I do not know how the scoring works, too.
But, my impression is, Laura can not be caught.
I have several books on order.
I am re-reading A Walk in the Woods just now.
There is a hurricane due to come ashore in Florida and my son and his wife are heading there on Sunday!

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2nd September 2016, 07:33
Good morning, Rusty!
Goodness, I hope your family will not be in any danger where they are going?
Should the hurricane strike, will it hit anywhere near where your son and his wife plan to be?
Would it not be a good idea for them to postpone their trip ?
I have just read on the News that an earthquake in New Zealand is causing evacuations, because of a resulting tsunami warning.
My friend out there lives in the potentially dangerous area, and so will be on the move.
I hope that she will be all right and that I'll hear from her soon.
Is that the Bill Bryson book that you re-ordered, because you "lost" the original copy?
Or am I misremembering?
Well, I must away to the park now with the dog........
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2nd September 2016, 07:57

Latest safety information for Hermine +
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2nd September 2016, 08:08
Sorry that the link did not work.
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