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31st August 2016, 08:20
Good morning, Elle!
I do not eat sweets so I can't help with the Butterscotch.
Wonder why "butterscotch"?
I do not know about Naomi's brother.
She beat Laura Robson, though.
And Murray won, too. And the Williams sisters.
Info from BBC website, which is archaic to say the least.
Stories several days old still prominently placed.
The website could do with a revamp.
Raspberry jam is my favourite.
Hope you get on fine with the setter today!
9491 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st August 2016, 08:42
Good morning Elle
Have a look at the blogger's comment here regarding 8a and one of the comments further down.
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31st August 2016, 10:04
Good morning, Rusty!
Another lovely day! "Fresh" out at the moment!
An enjoyable brisk walk!
Have you been out for your paper yet?
I see from the BBC sports website this morning that we have five Brits through now.....that is good.
A pity about Heather Watson and Bedene.
I read that Heather was ill?
And Bedene was beaten by your man Nick Kyrgios.
I shall do a further "study" later!
Do you have plans for the day?

Ah , Eirlys!
Yes, I have read that....all very similar to what I originally started out saying yesterday!
And now perhaps it is time to put the bone down....?
I think this has been worked to death!
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31st August 2016, 10:15
Hi, Ros!
That is quite an honour for your grandfather to have a street name after him!
A claim to fame!
My maiden name is after the district in which I was born.
The name of the district was distorted by use, but originally was named after a well in the rea.
I think the reasoning is that the family descendants were keepers of the well.
Far more prosaic and humdrum than for your grandfather!!

I love damsons!
We have a plum tree in our garden but it is too tall and the birds get the plums before we do!
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31st August 2016, 11:05
Hello, Elle,
Main task for the day completed,
I attended a funeral.
It has rained during the night and is still cloudy and not warm!
Pity BBC would not show "highlights' from US tennis, or ITV4.
I do not know about Heather other than she lost her match.
A pity!
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31st August 2016, 11:11
Hi elle
I think keeping a well would be very important- everyone in the area's lives would have depended on it.

I doubt anyone who lives in the terrace (I've remembered it's not street, but a terrace!) nows who it was called after. But no matter, it is nice.

Anyone wanting a serious challenge should try syzygy's WSJ one. The preamble is enough to call for matron!
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31st August 2016, 11:36
Hi, Rusty!
I am very sorry to hear that you had to go to a funeral this morning.
Was it for a family member, or an old friend or neighbour?
Time was, when one would meet up with family, friends and acqaintances at weddings, then it would be at christenings........ and now it's at funerals.
Sadly, this occurs all too frequently these days, doesn't it?
Life is suddenly galloping along as one gets older!
Life is short - and precious!
We should make the most of it whilst we have it, and remember to cherish those whom we love and care about.
On a lighter note, I have nearly finished today's QC without a single query so far!
I have read that Heather Watson is awaiting blood test results , taken as a result of her feeling ill while playing the other day.
One possibility is the return of the glandular fever from which she suffered previously.
I am sorry about your weather!
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31st August 2016, 11:39
One of my ancestors, a mariner, signed a document in 1617 in Poole, (Dorset) granting the use of his well (and of the water therein) to two people. The well was erected on his land and he granted "egresse and regresse" to it through a path in the grounds.
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31st August 2016, 13:09
In the olden days, when there was no tap water, to have a well on one's land was a precious thing indeed - and I would imagine would have increased the value of that land.
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31st August 2016, 13:13
You must have been thrilled to find that document, jazzgirl.
Yes, I think access to a well (or spring or stream) would have been very important long ago.
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