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31st August 2016, 13:27
hi Ros
Yes, I was very happy to have found reference to the document in Poole Museum. I was then privileged to view the original which was on parchment 19.5 x 22cm with two pendant wax seals. I also took a photo which was wonderful. At the time, I had no idea what "egresse and regresse" meant and I am still trying to transcribe some missing parts of the document.
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31st August 2016, 13:37
Hi Jg
Old writing on parchment or vellum can be really difficult. I went to classes to learn to read "secretary" hand, I was the worst in the class!
I'm glad regresse was allowed as well as egresse.
I found a case in Chancery brought against my gt gt grandfather. The vellums came tied in string, the size of a six-year old! The "pages " were enormous and I wasn't allowed to lean over them. I got the gist- "why should I pay my father's 30 year old debts?". He had to, though.
Was looking at old newspapers yesterday- a women of 21 was sent to jail for 3 months with hard labour for stealing a cotton handkerchief! Just one.
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31st August 2016, 13:51
Yes, just as "well" that regresse was permitted (and also use of the water ) ;)
Times were very hard, Ros.
A lot of my same family, in later years, (once the riches had been squandered by their forefathers) ended up in the workhouse. Very sad indeed
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31st August 2016, 14:41
Tee hee, well, well.

Oh that is sad. Workhouses were such dreadful places. I haven't found any of my family there yet, but I do expect to!
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31st August 2016, 14:55
Sorry.......I have been away since my original post about wells.......
What a lot of ancient history has come up - very interesting , JG, about your family's association with the well and permission given for access etc
Perhaps I should do some more research into our family name!
Maybe there was more involved to being a 'well- keeper' than I had thought!
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31st August 2016, 15:03
Well, Elle
Once the genealogy bug bites you, it is fully engrossing.
Have a look here and enter your surname

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31st August 2016, 15:11
Thank you, Jazzy !
Will do!
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31st August 2016, 15:21
I should add that I do not recommend buying products from the site I just posted, as a friend did that and all he received was a list of all the names in directories. Do your own research working backwards. There are plenty of good websites online now.
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31st August 2016, 16:02
Good afternoon, Elle.
Fine day now!
It was a neighbour of my Mother, who died.
I barely knew her, but went along anyway.
Only person I knew was my Mother's warden at the sheltered housing.
I am glad to hear the setter has not upset you today!
There is a wee faux pas in The Times.
Just with the letter count. They give (3-2) instead of (2-3).
I read about Heather. She seemed quite ill.
Hope she recovers well.
Jonathan reckons the male chick has left on his migration.
Keep an eye on the Hill's hoist!
9509 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st August 2016, 16:15
Exciting finish to the Vuelta today, rusty!
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