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31st August 2016, 17:47
Chris, I only read about it.
I watched too much Olympics and am suffering TV burn out.
Not seen much of the Vuelta.
9511 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st August 2016, 18:41
Hi, Rusty!
We have had a fairly quiet day at home, apart from one or two sorties out to the shops and for a walk!
It has remained fairly warm, but looks suspiciously like rain this evening - although having been without rain for so long now, I'm not holding my breath that it will happen!
I think it is a bit worrying about the male chick - he doesn't seem to be very prepared for his long voyage?
By all accounts, he has been "calling" for dad to feed him, rather than catching his own fish!
I hope he survives but the percentages are low.........and he isn't well prepared for the rough and tumble of the "real " world!
(I shall leave my Hill's hoist extended "just in case"!)
I expect dad will soon be away, too.
I hope the rest of your day has been okay after its sad beginning?
It was nice of you to attend the funeral of your mum's neighbour.
9512 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st August 2016, 19:38
Hello, Elle!
The funeral was fine.
Just twenty minutes at the crematorium and a bit of a blether afterwards.
Still nice here, though a bit breezy.
i agree with you about the chick.
I am by no means an expert but I think he should have stood up to the crows a bit better, as well as learning to fish.
Maybe that is normal in the osprey world?
He will have to up his game if he reaches Africa, though.
I think Edmunds has won his second round match.
9513 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st August 2016, 20:49
Hi, Rusty!
Suddenly the evenings are drawing in very early wasn't long ago that it was still light until after 10pm...tonight it was dark already by 8.30!
Is Autumn already on its way?
I haven't watched any tennis.......that is good about Kyle Edmunds....whom did he beat?
Now, I know you do not watch a lot of TV, but did you ever, in the past, watch "Cold Feet"?
It was a sitcom, but a very clever and amusing (and well acclaimed ) one!
I learned today that ii is returning, "thirteen years on"........ with the same actors playing the characters.
I used to really enjoy it... so I shall watch again and see how it goes......
We had "pulled pork" for dinner...this was a new one on me, but it was delicious!
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31st August 2016, 21:00
Good evening, Elle!
I do well to remember Edmunds name, never mind his opponent, Elle!
More drama at Flushing Meadow.
Johanna Konta is not good.
I think she has heat stroke or something.
She was on her knees weeping.
She has had "medical time-outs".
Not heard of Cold Feet.
Do you know this, I have heard of "pulled pork" but have no idea what it is.
I have been pondering buying a bread toaster.
My granddaughters like them.
Will have a look in ASDA someday.
Black Friday!!!
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31st August 2016, 21:53
Hey, Rusty!
Goodness, whatever is happening to all the tennis players!
It is one ailment after another! they are going down like flies!
You do not need to wait till Black Friday!
I have looked online and Currys are having a Clearance Sale at the moment.
Prices are still slashed in a Bank Holiday Sale.
For instance, you can buy a Russell Hobbs two-slice toaster for only £12-97!
Have a look on Google.
I wouldn't be without mine!
It means you can multi-task without having to stand and watch that the toast doesn't burn!
Go for it!
Btw, I am very pleased with my new cooker.
All I need now is the new extractor fan.......
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31st August 2016, 22:12
Hello, Elle,
Miss Konta won!
I am thinking there are too many slices of bread in a packet for comfort?
I'd never eat all that.
Don't want to become addicted to toast.
I shall have look in ASDA.
i bought a fine vacuum cleaner there for about £30.
So, does Russell Hobbs switch off itself?
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31st August 2016, 22:33
Hi, Rusty!
I thought Jo Kontas was all but collapsed!
Still, good that she won!
You can buy a "half loaf". Warburtons do them.
Or you can keep the bread in the fridge or freezer - and take out a slice when you require it.
I know you don't have a freezer , but do you have a freezing compartment in your fridge?
I only eat one slice of toast a day.......with my poached egg for breakfast!
I cannot believe that you have never used a toaster, Rusty?
There are usually a few settings - depending on how brown you want your toast - and the toast "pops up" when ready!
No need to keep an eye on it!
Yes, I am sure that you will be able to buy a relatively inexpensive one from Asda!
Your life will be transformed with a toaster!!
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31st August 2016, 22:50
Hello, Elle,
She WAS collapsed!
A great recovery!
There is no freezer in my fridge.
I do not need one.
Just minutes from my shop.
I made toast at the fire when I was young.
But never owned a toaster.
(I have a slow cooker, though, I am not straight out of the boondocks, you know)
I will see what the girls say!
They are in charge of me for two weeks from Sunday!
My son and wife go on holiday then.
9519 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st August 2016, 23:13
Hi, Rusty!
We made toast at the fire , too, when I was a child!
With a long toasting fork!
I guess toasters came into their own when folk stopped having "real" fires!
I've certainly never had the patience to use the cooker grill for toasting!
I never had the time to stand and watch the toast to prevent it from burning!
I am sure the girls will think it a great idea for you to have a toaster.
So........what are the "boondocks"?
And yes, I know you have a slow cooker!
Where are your son and his wife going for their holiday?
I am sure that Miss O and Miss L-B will "look after you" fine!
Better make sure they don't lock themselves out this time, though!
9520 of 30765  -   Report This Post