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30th August 2016, 21:11
I agree with Eirlys and Pigale!
9481 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th August 2016, 21:25
HI, Rusty!
I still think it's open to doubt!
The answer is so obviously "olive" = green colour as definition, that I cannot see any need for the setter to try to 'distract' the solver with false innuendos.
Maybe I should talk to my pal, Rose.......
We got on very well last time and had quite an ongoing conversation!
I haven't heard the "jeeley" bit - but I'm glad I remembered the "piece" correctly!
I've never heard of "birlin"!
Nor has Anne B .
She says a dance -hall is a disco or Palais.
Now I DO remember the Palais!
9482 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th August 2016, 21:30
There's no doubting it's just a deviously clever clue
9483 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th August 2016, 21:40
As it is totally irrelevant to the solving of the clue, I think its supposed "deviousness" is open to conjecture.
We should draw a line under it and agree to differ.
9484 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th August 2016, 21:46
You have to treat the words as just "fodder" only and the capital letters were meant to lead you astray.....That's the World of cryptics :) . NIght
9485 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th August 2016, 21:46
Hello, Elle!
It's a good clue!
Nothing to do with whatever colour the Circle Line is!
Email Rose and see what she makes of it.
Bet she's heard of the birlin' too!
I have "birlin" in my Scots Dictionary. (Why not download it?)
Jeely is jam, up here.
And, what about this!
I was reading up on marmalade.
You know marmalade, Elle?
Keiller's made it in Dundee, very successfully.
And in 1880 they opened a factory at Tay Wharf, Silvertown, London.
You never told me there was a Tay Wharf in London?
9486 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th August 2016, 22:07
Hi, Rusty!
I never told you about Tay Wharf, because I didn't know of its existence until now!
I have just Googled it, and apparently it is a part of "Derelict London" !
Seemingly there are large areas of London that are derelict and well known; people touring said quarters and also writing about their history.
I didn't know that!
Some of these areas may be up for re-development.
I don't know about Keiller's Marmalade ( I don't like marmalade!) but I do know of Keiller's Butterscotch! (and I do like that!)
Would this be the same company?
Why , I wonder, would it be called "Tay" Wharf, so far from the River Tay?
9487 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th August 2016, 22:27
Hello, Elle!
Keillers made marmalades and jams in Dundee for over two centuries.
I would imagine if Keillers opened a factory in London they may have wanted to keep a Dundee connection?
So, London agreed to Tay Wharf? Plausible.
There was also a shipping company here called DP&L Line.
Dundee, Perth, and London.
Wonder where they docked in London?
As far as I know, Keillers were bought over by Crosse and Blackwell back in the mists of time.
I think that now, Keiller's products are owned by Robertsons, who make jams etc. I thought everbody liked marmalade?
Did you know Naomi Broady is 6ft 2ins?
She is just ahead of Laura Robson.
9488 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th August 2016, 22:53
Hi, Rusty!
Can you still buy Keillers Butterscotch? I haven't come across it for a long time.
Actually, I don't much like jam either!
The only time I would eat it is if I were having a Cornish Cream tea! and then I prefer damson or plum jam!
Goodness, Naomi Broady certainly is tall! I thought my girls were tall at 5'10"
Is she taller than her brother, Liam?
Any more news of the tennis?
I haven't had the time to try to find it on the BBC Sports Channel.
I have finished my Jeffrey Archer novel.
His next book will be the last in the series.
I think it is out at the end of this year.
Amazon usually email me, once it is time to "pre-book".
Oh, and they sent me an email today to say that "Centennial" is on its way from the US!
9489 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st August 2016, 07:31
Streets (and presumably docks etc) are sometimes named after people or places from so many years ago the origin has been forgotten.
There is a street in Sunderland named after my gt grandfather who was a founder member of the Co-op Movement there and served on the committee for decades.
In Birkenhead there is Tetbury Street. I wouldn't be surprised if I am the only person to know why- except those I've told, of course! John Cook started a brewery in Tetbury in 1800. He had quite a few sons and two of them went to Birkenhead when it was a boom town to start a brewery there.
The building is now a Honda showroom, in Tetbury Street! There must be many stories like that.

I don't like marmelade either, elle. I planted a damson tree to make jam but can't be bothered to stone the fruit these days. Sometimes make damson gin to give away.
9490 of 30765  -   Report This Post