Hi, Rusty!
Thank you for all that interesting information about James Michener.
Yes, I obviously had the right man didn't I?
Now, I remember the Pribilofs!
(You haven't "sent" anyone there for a while!)
I am intrigued by James Michener.....I shall take a look on Amazon......I may buy one of his books.
Perhaps "Return to Paradise" as you can recommend that.
I haven't come across the film "Until They Sail", but should like to read the story.
I think you should try one or two other books by Nevil Shute.
I know you don't generally like fiction, but there are some stories worth reading, as you have found.
"On The Beach "is unusual for Nevil Shute.
Basically, it is about a group of disparate people , in Melbourne, brought together while they wait for the arrival of deadly radiation spreading towards them, the aftermath of a nuclear war that happened the previous year.
The story is about how each person deals differently with impending death, as the radiation approaches.
Give reading it a try?
I shall watch the new version of Eggheads later to see if I can solve the enigma of the Leader board!