Good morning, Rusty!
Minimally cooler here!
No sign so far of any rain! It is no longer showing on the BBC online weather forecast.
"They" must have changed their minds!
I shall risk putting out all the washing out on the "hoist"!
Amazon have just informed me that my last orders worked out cheaper than expected, and consequently I have more money remaining in my account!
I shall compare prices for that book by James Michener that I am planning to buy....if there is little difference in cost to what it is on ebay, I might as well use my Amazon account to pay for it, mightn't I?
Nothing planned as yet for today - other than watching the athletics at 1.10 pm on BBC1!
How about you?
Hello, Ros!
I hope you enjoyed your walk?
Did you encounter many people to speak to? I thought of that whilst walking the dog.....I counted eleven folk who either passed the time of day or actually stopped to chat!
I remember, when I was a child, my mother used to darn socks, and turn sheets and collars!
Money was tight, so it was 'needs must' !
I guess we should all be grateful that such is largely not the case nowadays.