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27th August 2016, 11:15
Hello, Rosalind!
Many folk in Scotland leave out the "tt" sound in words like "butter".
It becomes "bu'er"!
I hasten to add, that i don't!
I am not sure at all on this, but is this an example of a "glottal stop"?
9411 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th August 2016, 11:25
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, now here I would agree with the setter!
To me, "skewer" and "skua" sound exactly alike!
Language and pronunciation are peculiar things!
Rusty, did you see my earlier post to you at 9406?
I have looked up "Centennial" on both ebay and Amazon, and the difference in cost is minimal.
As I have funds remaining in my Amazon account, I have gone with that.
£3-99 and in very condition, coming from the U.S.
It will take 2-3 weeks.
I shall have a lot to read once all my deliveries arrive!
Ps. My son calls his friend Natalie.... "Na'alie"!!
9412 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th August 2016, 11:29
Yes, I think youre right, rusty. that is a glottal stop. There's a lady on You Tube who decribes it very well
9413 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th August 2016, 11:32
Rusty, Elle, Rosalind...unlike 'earn' and 'urn', the pronunciation guide (in Chambers) has 'skewer' and 'skua' pronounced differently. I'm with Rusty (and Chambers!) that these two words don't sound the same. 'Saw' and 'Sor' is equally bad, I feel and I was relieved that Chambers doesn't have the same pronunciation for both. Usage, common usage, is a different thing altogether, of course!
9414 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th August 2016, 11:47
Hello, Elle!
Yes, just checked your post.
From USA?
Well done!
I have had several books from USA.
Texas, New Jersey, etc.
All just as described and taking around 3 weeks to arrive.
Excellent prices and a great service!
I am thinking of getting another of Richard van Emden's,
"The Last Tommies".
Your son's friend would be at home up here!
She would get "Na'alie" from quite a few!
I am recording the Diamond League from Paris this evening.
Young Laura Muir is running.
Skewer = skua?
9415 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th August 2016, 11:51
Hi Everyone,

If I am not sure how to pronounce a new word, spelling plays an important part in guiding me - then, I have to think hard as how I thing a British person might pronounce it; I must say that I very often agree with Rusty (and Malone) in not agreeing with supposed homophones.

Still very hot here, but slightly more humid heat today.
9416 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th August 2016, 12:22
Hi, Rusty!
I remember Richard van Emden from the "Somme" programme - a very well informed pleasant gentleman.
You said that his books were good!
Try these links.......
For glottal stops (I think this must be the one Ros meant)
And for the pronunciation of skewer/ skua
To me, the two sound identical!
Listen and tell me what you think?
But wouldn't life be boring if we all thought / sounded / whatever / the same?
Diversity is good!
I think the Diamond League that you are recording tonight is the one (highlights of which) I shall be watching on BBC2 tomorrow at 1pm!
Today's - on in another hour on BBC1 - is the one from Lausanne.
The BBC is all out of synch with Eurosport!
9417 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th August 2016, 12:51
Hello, Elle,
I prefer the American pronunciations although I roll my "r" more.
You would detect the difference if you heard me speak!
Diversity is very good.
We should escape living in "bubbles", too!
Eurosport should be good tonight.
They are showing the US Open tennis next week, too.
You would like that!
Laura Robson has qualified and plays Naomi Broady in the first round.
Just a thought...I have never bought anything on USA eBay, only US Amazon.
Not sure how good US eBay would be.
But Amazon is first class.
Yes, Richard van Emden seemed a helluva nice lad.
I like his books!
9418 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th August 2016, 14:42
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I have been watching the Diamond League events that took place in Lausanne.
I think you have already see these?
It's getting confusing with Eurosport and BBC transmitting at different times!
Nothing much there to report......
Eilidh Doyle came second in the 440m hurdles.
Your bete noire, Lynsey Sharp, came third in the 800m.
She ran a good race.
Why is she so disliked in Scotland?
(I am sure you will have told me before, but I have forgotten)
It is a great pity that the US tennis isn't being shown by the BBC - leastways, I don't seem able to find it?
I wonder if I will be able to watch it on my computer?
"Mrs. Mike" came from the US through Amazon!
9419 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th August 2016, 15:05
Hi again,

Re my post 9416, I have just checked the two words skewer and skua written in phonetic alphabet.
Almost identical except that in skua, the 'u' sound is longer (long vowel as opposed to short ones)
9420 of 30765  -   Report This Post