Good afternoon, Rusty!
I haven't yet come across a Kellogg's box so adorned with pictures of said "ambassadors", so I'm afraid that I don't know whether or not there is information about the "stars" on the products?
But I'm assuming that it works by their (apparently) endorsing the cereals by inferring that they have been eating them since the year dot - and wouldn't have got to be an athletic / rowing / swimming / gymnast / star, if it were not for eating Kelloggs!
Retired or otherwise would seem to be immaterial.
Have a look at your own box and tell me what it says!
Goodness, how sad - what a lot of tragedies during this year's Ride London events.
Was this also during the fun ride?
Maybe if he were an amateur , he wasn't "fit" enough to have been taking part?
Oh dear, always sadness for someone!
Hoovering all done ( first job on my agenda In future - I shan't get caught out like that again!)
Now going out for a walk ........