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1st August 2016, 13:19
Hi, Rusty!
Kellogg's is an official sponsor of Team GB for the Rio Games, so the
next time you buy Kellogg's cereal, you may also find either Rebecca Adlington or Sir Steve Redgrave smiling at you!
The four of them - Lizzie, Louis Smith, Rebecca and Steve - are Kellogg's Team GB athlete ambassadors!
(I've just been to check on our Fruit 'n Fibre - but no pictures!)
The purpose behind this is for the "ambassadors" to tell the story of Kellogg's "Great Starts" campaign, and share the tales of their successes "fuelled by Kellogg's cereals and snacks!"
Rebecca, Louis and Steve are set to appear on more than 30 million packs of Kellogg's cereals!
They must be making a mint of money from all this!
I haven't got very far with my chores........ a neighbour dropped in (yes, in the middle of all the mess!) stayed for coffee and a chat and has only just left!
(And I still have yet to hoover!)
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1st August 2016, 13:45
Good afternoon, Elle!
Surely Rebecca and Sir Steve are retired?
How does this work?
I am not required to read the box, am I?
On BBC site there is a report of a man dying of a suspected heart attack during Ride London/Surrey.
Did you give the neighbour a tour of the Hill's Hoist?
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1st August 2016, 14:18
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I haven't yet come across a Kellogg's box so adorned with pictures of said "ambassadors", so I'm afraid that I don't know whether or not there is information about the "stars" on the products?
But I'm assuming that it works by their (apparently) endorsing the cereals by inferring that they have been eating them since the year dot - and wouldn't have got to be an athletic / rowing / swimming / gymnast / star, if it were not for eating Kelloggs!
Retired or otherwise would seem to be immaterial.
Have a look at your own box and tell me what it says!
Goodness, how sad - what a lot of tragedies during this year's Ride London events.
Was this also during the fun ride?
Maybe if he were an amateur , he wasn't "fit" enough to have been taking part?
Oh dear, always sadness for someone!
Hoovering all done ( first job on my agenda In future - I shan't get caught out like that again!)
Now going out for a walk ........
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1st August 2016, 14:23

Regarding the man who died

Robin was a cancer survivor and riding for charity
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1st August 2016, 14:27
Full fitness doesn't always mean you won't have a heart attack- remember Jim Fixx? He was a great running guru, ran 10 miles a day or something but still had blocked arteries and died while jogging aged 52.
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1st August 2016, 14:52
Thank you for the info, Jazzgirl!
A blooming shame.
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1st August 2016, 14:56
Very sad, rusty :(
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1st August 2016, 15:00
Robin's "justgiving" page has raised over £20,000 now ( the amount raised was only £1,000 yesterday)
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1st August 2016, 15:05
Hello, Elle!
Well, just because you asked I shall read the Kellogs box but do not make a habit of it.
My family think I am mad enough without reading corn flake boxes!
No mention of Lizzie and co eating flakes, but you can win a day out with one of them.
I do not know how fit the poor lad was, Elle, but a heart attack can hit the healthiest of us, I believe.
I think he was just unlucky.
Jazzgirl has posted a good informative link.
If I get a minute from reading corn flake boxes I think I shall watch the Zola Budd/Mary Decker documentary.
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1st August 2016, 16:17
Hello Elle,
Just an update to the documentary.
I did not realise that it lasted two hours!
I've watched 40 mins of it.
It is excellent.
I did not realise that English was Zola's third language.
Afrikaans was her native language.
Surprised too, that there is film of them running, when they were young girls.
I will leave it for a while but it is very good indeed!
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