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1st August 2016, 17:24
Hi, Rusty!
We are back from our walk.
The fine weather did not hold up, and we were rained upon!
It was rather pleasant though, walking in the rain!
Are you going to enter the Kellogg's competition? - you might win a day out with one of your favourite ladies!
I do not know much about Mary Decker, apart from her involvement in "The Trip" with Zola Budd, but I know a little of Zola's background.
I am sure you will find the documentary very interesting.
The trip was quite complicated, wasn't it? with several "stages" involved!
Or so it sounds when reading about it!
When watching, it is all over so fast that it is hard to tell!
Have you watched any more of the documentary since your last message?
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1st August 2016, 18:00
Hello, Elle!
No, not watched any more.
I have been harrying a wasp about the living room.
Goodness, they are nimble!
Doc is very good.
I was always of the opinion that the fall was a complete accident and Decker was far too quick to blame Budd.
Budd was ahead of Decker. How could she trip her?
We have not got to the trip yet.
I will watch some more tomorrow.
Trips happen.
I remember seeing a Kenyan runner, getting tripped, and he fell, but he got up, caught the field and won the race.
Mary Decker seems to have mellowed with age and seems a nice lady, and Zola comes across as a lovely, gracious lady, and her English is much better now.
They will always be linked.
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1st August 2016, 19:43
Good evening, Rusty!
Now that you have mentioned wasps....I am thinking that I have seen very few so far this Summer?
We had problems a year ago with a nest in the eaves of our house.
Wasps seemed to be everywhere - leaving a window open became a hazard as the wasps then entered the house.
We had to call in an expert "de-wasper" or whatever they are called to come destroy the nest.
It (somewhat surprisingly to me) turned out to be a young woman who - suitably garbed and protected - nimbly climbed a very high ladder to deal with said wasps nest!
Sooner her than me!
I don't like wasps and I hate heights!!
I thought her very brave!
I have been looking back to find an order I made with Amazon.
I had it firmly fixed in my head that the books - a new Sebastian Faulks, and the next- in- line in "The Clifton Chronicles" by Jeffrey Archer - were due out in July, and I was wondering why they had not arrived!
It turns out that I was mistaken and it will be September!
Oh dear, another senior moment........!
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1st August 2016, 20:21
Hi Elle!

I don't like wasps or hornets either (don't mind heights though).

but when we have a problem with a nest here we call the fire brigade - they call in towards the evening of the same day and deal with it with special product. This is the only time the fire brigade charge a little fee - (probably to pay for the product) - otherwise all their other services, whether fire or emergency ambulance are free.
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1st August 2016, 22:16
Good evening, Elle!
Wasps are pests!
I have not seen many either.
I am not keen on high heights, but not too high heights are OK.
I have been singing along with the First Lady!
I like her.
She has a bit more go about her than Mamie Eisenhower anyway.
I liked Laura Bush, too.
You shall have to embrace patience regarding your ordered books.
it is quite warm here this evening.
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1st August 2016, 23:20
Hey, Rusty!
Wet and chilly here!
Truly, if it goes any colder, we shall need to put the heating on!
I think it must be the sudden contrast to the previous humidity that we had been experiencing that is making us feel so cold.
Now.....we have hit a disaster!
Our freezer has packed in!
We opened the door for something earlier (luckily!) and discovered that all the food /ice cream etc has defrosted.
We have been storing in the fridge items that are suitable, and having a big cooking session where necessary.
Luckily, it could have been worse as the freezer wasn't filled to capacity.
It looks like a trip to Currys tomorrow to buy a new freezer!

Hello, Pigale!
I'm sorry for the delay in replying!
I haven't been back to the computer, as we have been emptying the defunct freezer and dealing with all the food!
I am amazed that it is the fire brigade that deals with your wasps' nests!
I suppose at least they have the appropriate ladders when the problem is on high!
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2nd August 2016, 08:31
Good morning, Elle!
A pity about your freezer.
Yes, Curry's should sort you out.
Delivery is quick too.
My son ordered a tumbly dryer last Thurday from Curry's online and it was delivered on Saturday.
I do not have a freezer.
Very surprised to read about Lizzie today.
She has been cleared to ride at Rio after an appeal regarding missed drug tests. She has been an active campaigner against drugs in sport. She missed 3 tests. She appealed one of them and the appeal was upheld.
Anyway, it is a fine morning here.
Hope it keeps up!
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2nd August 2016, 10:31
Good morning, Rusty!
Dreich, here! And non too warm!
That was impressive online service regarding your son's tumbler dryer.
(I thought you were considering buying one for yourself? Did you do so?)
I want to go to the shop though to see the products for myself.......I am wanting a matching fridge and freezer ( I think I mentioned this before?) but we have kept putting off buying them!
It looks like the decision has now been made for us!
Needs must!
We shall go over to Currys about midday - I have some jobs to do first.
Unless they can deliver as early as tomorrow, though, it looks likely to be next week, as our road will be closed on Thursday and Friday for re-surfacing.
We shall see what transpires.
Odd about Lizzie?
If she is a keen anti-drugs supporter, I wonder why she missed three tests?
Do you suspect deliberate avoidance? (a la panic room?)
Surely not?
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2nd August 2016, 11:30
Hello, Elle!
Hopefully you will get a freezer.
Could a neighbour take some of your food until the new freezer arrives?
Your contents insurance may cover this, if you lose food?
Boots online have a great selection and a fast delivery.
I bought a clothes washing machine from them.
They installed it and took the old one away with them.
It is pleasantly cool here.
I am very surprised at Lizzie.
How common missing tests is, in sport, I do not know.
But three! Asking for trouble!
Although she took one the day after, following a missed test in Sweden.
I would like to hear more about this.
I have a sense of unease.
She has never mentioned anything about this on Twitter.
Christine Oharugu was banned for missing three tests.
I have had my hair cut and eyebrows trimmed this morning at a local barber.
I thought my eyebrows were fine, but the lady said "No!"
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2nd August 2016, 15:26
Good afternoon, Rusty!
We are finally home again after our "treasure hunt" for matching fridges and freezers!
I remember now why I previously put this on a back burner!!!!!
It was not an easy task!
I want the two appliances to match each other exactly.
And they need to be a specific size because of the space allotted to them in my fitted kitchen. last I have found what I want....but they will take possibly up to two weeks to arrive!
I should get a phone call on Friday, telling me when I can expect to arrange a delivery.
I am consoling myself with the fact that at least the two appliances will meet all my requirements when they eventually get here!
Yes, they will take away the old fridge and freezer, but I have to pay extra for that privilege!
So you have been to the barbers to have your hair cut?
(I thought it was always a DIY job with the mirror and a pair of scissors!)
And your eyebrows trimmed too?
I am impressed!
Are you going somewhere special?
Or have the girls just been nagging you?
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