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31st July 2016, 10:18
Hello, Malone!
We buy the paper - but I usually only do the Everyman on Sundays.
However, I have the answers to both clues!!
I won't say though in case Rusty or anyone else wants to try....
A clue, Rusty - you won't like them!
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31st July 2016, 10:25
So far I don't like them either Elle! Am struggling.
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31st July 2016, 10:31
Hi, Rusty!
Lovely out - sunny , blue sky, but cool enough to making walking pleasant.
I hadn't realised that the London Ride was as recent as 2013! but I think the concept still stands (if a bit shakily!)
Yes, we do get the Sunday Times, although we don't have it as yet - Sainsburys doesn't open until 11am on Sundays.
I shall look forward to reading the IOC's latest escapades!!
Why, though, try to get 'dopers' to take part?
After all your recent re-decorating, I am surprised that you still had a wall left to replaster!
Is this another room for a "makeover"?
You won't like Malone's clues!
Just think "Mr R "!

Hello, Pigale!
Think of the East End!
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31st July 2016, 11:00
Hello, Elle!
Is that a normal opening for Sainsbury's?
My ASDA never closes, except Christmas and New Year.
Do not get me started on corruption in the IOC!
"Welcome Gatlin! Go away, WADA, Stepanova, and the whistleblowers."
There are no Olympic ideals alive and well in Rio, or in most of the Federations.
That ship has long sailed.
Great to see all the riders in Ride Surrey, and they have a lovely day for it.
I am very envious of some of the bikes.
Some crackers there!
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31st July 2016, 11:26
The cycle race will be on the red button at 1 pm in addition to the later afternoon live coverage at 3.30 pm
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31st July 2016, 11:43
Hi, Rusty!
We have Sunday opening times here.
Large shops in England can only open on Sundays for six consecutive hours between 10am and 6pm.
Our local Sainsburys is open from 11am till 5pm
Small shops have no restrictions.
It sounds from what you say that Scotland is unrestricted?
I haven't watched this morning's London Ride..... I got caught up in something and forgot the time!
It is recorded, but rather than playing catch up, I may just look in on the later racing.
I am at present struggling somewhat this week with the Everyman....
Mind you, I've been complaining for weeks that it had become too easy!
Now I'm stuck half way through!!
Could you solve Malone's clues?

Thank you, Jazzgirl, on the Red Button update!
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31st July 2016, 12:50
Hello, Elle!
I did not realise that about your Sunday openings.
Norn Iron is similar.
Why are small shops not included?
My ASDA is open all the time. 24/7.
Think a lot of the superstores are the same up here.
Scotland is a heathen country!
I had a glance at Malone's clues, just.
I'll go back to them shortly.
Sunday is my day of rest from crosswords!
Elle, the Surrey Ride is better, in my humble opinion, than the London Ride.
More scenic.
There were some great stories on London Ride, though, and I like Jill Douglas, who presented it!
Thanks for Red Button info, Jazzgirl!
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31st July 2016, 13:10
Hello, Malone!
I am confident of one, less so of the second one!
5 is my doubt. Charger. Sounds like a Cockney cop saying "charge her"?
I did not know a charger was a dish but Anne Bradford did!
The clue works to the ear, anyway?
And I have learned a new word/meaning!
13, I am pretty sure it is "airless" for "close".
I think the Mitchell brothers are 'airless, as in shaven headed.
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31st July 2016, 13:34
Rusty, apologies for sending clues to interrupt your crossword-free day. It was the Cockneyness (?) of them that made me want to share. Like you, I hadn't known 'charger' = dish, so I was happy with that. 'Airless' was ... just OK.

Pigale, I hope you're not still struggling with these clues - they don't really deserve a lot of time and effort.
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31st July 2016, 13:42
Malone, I must admit I had given up! Have barely started today's crossword, so that will be a bonus!
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