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30th July 2016, 16:47
Hi everyone !

Just had a peep at the ospreys and the blog has an article about Beatrix Potter 150th birth anniversary.
Two chicks in nest.

Not raining here, warmish and brightish, could be worse but could also be better!
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30th July 2016, 16:59
Hi, Rusty!
We are back again from our walk.
We met some friends while we were out, so stopped en route for a chat!
It has become very humid again........not sure whether we are gearing up for a thunderstorm.
According to Google, lollapalooza is a person or thing that is particularly impressive or attractive.
OR a heavy metal and punk rock music festival!
Why do I not know these things? I must live a very sheltered existence!
I have de/un hoisted the washing!
The poor Australians - they didn't want to move into the Olympic accommodation in the first place!
They were quite right to be wary!
How did your golf go? and the horses?
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30th July 2016, 17:58
Hello, Pigale!
Seems to be moss getting added to the nest?
The Beatrix Potter Day tomorrow sounds good.
Hope it is a success.

Hello, Elle,
I think dehoist sounds better? "Dehoist the washing"?
Donegal beat Cork at the Gaelic football.
There won't be a cow milked in Glenties tonight!
The Irish filly (Minding) won at Goodwood, too.
And Bauke Mollema won the Clasica San Sebastian.
I am worn out with all this sport!
Now for a bit of Ride London (Dani King is riding) then the US PGA.
The smoke alarms were switched off in the Aussies digs!
It was smoke coming along the corridors that alerted them!
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30th July 2016, 19:55
Hi, Rusty!
You will pleased by Donegal's winning the Gaelic football!
Bauke Mollema though means nothing to me?
What nationality is he?
How did you enjoy the Ride London race?
Were any of the landmarks familiar to you, maybe from last year's race ?
I enjoy seeing the parts of London that I know, as the cyclists go past.
I see that Kirsten Wild won - not that the name means anything to me!
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30th July 2016, 20:38
Hello, Elle!
Mollema rode quite a good Tour but weakened in the third week.
He is Dutch and rides for Team Trek..
I only watched a bit of Ride London.
Too many top riders not there, what with the Olympic Road Race just a week away..
I wonder will Ride Surrey be on Red Button?
I prefer looking at Surrey landscapes and little towns, to London, or any city, in fact.
A lot nicer! I am not so keen on the city races.
Kirsten Wild did well. She is Dutch, too.
There are many top women riders who are Dutch.
There were supposed to be four sisters riding.
I know that sisters Alice and Hannah Barnes were in the top ten finishers.
They done well.
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30th July 2016, 21:49
Hi, Rusty!
The London -Surry races seem to be being covered by the BBC?
The amateur race is on BBC2 in the morning, and the London-Surrey Classic cycle race is showing on BBC1 for three hours from 3.30pm on Sunday afternoon.
I imagine that it is the professional race that will interest you , especially as you will be familiar with many of the riders?
I remember from last year that this goes through some very pretty villages and lovely countryside.
Surrey is an attractive county.
We are fortunate in being bordered by both Kent and Surrey.
Although of the two, I am more familiar with Kent.
I still have a crossword to do!
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30th July 2016, 22:15
Hello, Elle!
I will pay heed to the amateur race and hope to see the countryside etc.
I remember liking Surrey.
The pro race lacks most of the top riders, though it should be a good race.
It is too close to San Sebastian and the Olympics.
I do not understand why they chose this date, though the calendar is pretty full anyway.
Team Sky have a good team entered, and possibly Orica, but that is it.
And Steve Cummings is riding, I think.
We shall see!
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31st July 2016, 07:26
Good morning, Rusty!
And a very beautiful one it is, too!
I have so far only been out in the garden, but it is comparatively chilly!
I think perhaps the Ride London races might be set around their "usual" dates, as the races are an annual event - although I cannot vouch for this as I do not remember last year's dates - but it would seem logical that the Olympic dates are the ones that are intruding on "routine"?
Just a thought!
I remember Steve Cummings - an English rider?
Any plans for today - other than watching the London- Surrey races?
Right, a quick breakfast then out to the park with the dog!
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31st July 2016, 09:09
Good morning, Elle!
Another fine day here.
I take your point regarding the Olympics intruding on the Ride London date.
Ride London only started in 2013, hardly an annual event?
The top riders will not give up San Sebastian for Ride London, that is why it is not a top event, for me.
But they are certainly trying and the public seem to take to it, so more power to their elbows!
I am looking forward to seeing the gallant amateurs doing their best!
Like the London Marathon!
I think you buy the Sunday Times?
There are many articles in it today about the Olympics.
On various athletes, and on the fact that the top man in the IOC is trying to get dopers to take part, rather than get rid of them.
I read a lot of it online.
My plans for today?
You will have heard the expression "like watching paint dry"?
That is akin to me since Thursday.
I had a wall re-plastered and it takes a while to dry out.
Quite a few days, and I am keeping an eye on it.
Hard work!
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31st July 2016, 09:48
Rusty, Elle, anyone... Two clues from today's Sunday Times crossword - I can't remember if you all do this one anyway.

5 D. What Bow cop said he'd do to girl caught stealing dish (7)

13 A. Close as Walford's Phil and Grant Mitchell (7)
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