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31st July 2016, 13:53
Hi, Rusty!
The Sunday opening times work on how big the shop premises are.
I have looked it up and a 'small' shop is one that measures up to and including 280 square metres.
I have no idea though why this should be the case.
You are spot -on with the answers to Malone's clues - and with your parsing!
You'll be an East-ender yet!
Mr R would be proud of you!
I had to check "dish" with Anne B, too!
I finished the Everyman!
I found it much harder this week - but must say that I preferred it; it had become too easy of late.
And I still have two to parse! so I can keep my brain ticking over for a while yet!
I have the cycling on the Red Button .......I only have half an eye on it, as I have been doing other things......
Great scenery.
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31st July 2016, 14:29
Hello, Elle!
Yes, lovely countryside!
And the leafy lanes!
I have an eye on the ladies golf, too!
I was surprised at how big Regent's Park was?
That is good that Everyman is a bit tougher.
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31st July 2016, 14:40
race has been stopped as the police in Dorking are finding it too difficult to control the huge crowds
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31st July 2016, 14:51
Following the incident near West Byfleet when a rider required an air ambulance, a backlog of riders built up on the route.

In order to ensure all riders get to the finish line within the required 8.5 hours, a planned diversion route has been opened at Mile divert those riders through to Mile 70 (taking out Box Hill and rejoining the route before Leatherhead)
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31st July 2016, 15:06
Just like the Pyrenees!
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31st July 2016, 15:13
I've only been watching intermittently....been in the garden.....was the air ambulance required for the earlier amateur race? or this present professional one?
I hate cycling!
There are so many disasters!
I was only watching for the beautiful scenery!
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31st July 2016, 15:20
I may have lost the plot as to which race had the air ambulance. I have live updates from "GetSurrey" and they did not make it clear. There was a crash at Hampton Court Bridge early this morning, but not serious.
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31st July 2016, 15:27
Hello, Elle!
I think the medical attention was for the fun riders, not the pros.
Crashes happen in cycling.
That's the nature of the game.
I have been on a couple of cycling forums and the competitors have been praising Ride London to the heavens for the organisation, encouragement, etc.
In the cycling world it is called a "sportive".
And one or two have said it is the best in the country.
These are folk who have ridden sportives ahead of le Tour, so they know what they are talking about.
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31st July 2016, 15:53
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, it seems to be cyclists in the amateur race that were involved in the crashes.
The first crash requiring three air ambulances apparently, according to the computer news, although it only mentioned one person being seriously injured.
And the second incident that happened later, only the one air ambulance.
The events certainly seem to be well organised.
I don't like watching a sport where there is a strong likelihood of (serious) injury though.
I can derive no pleasure from the sport, as I am always "waiting" for the next disaster.
I'm edgy all the time!
You mention Regent's Park being big! We have so many parks both in Central London and out in the 'suburbs'. Many of them are very large indeed!
And we have a lot of commons too.
London and its surroundings are very green!

Thanks for all the updates and links, JG!
It is very helpful.
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