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31st July 2016, 16:01
Hello, Elle!
Could well be that it was a rider who is unused to riding in a group who was hurt.
But "seriously" injured implies it was not a simple crash?
Maybe hit by a car or motor bike?
I honestly thought they have escaped London very quickly and are out in the country, but it was only Regent's Park!
Did you know that the word "shrapnel" comes from a British general of that name?
I did not.
I am off to shop.
No milk!
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31st July 2016, 16:10
Hello Elle/Rusty

I have been trying to get live coverage of London Ride on computer but just don't seem to manage it - even Jazzy's link does not work for me. A shame, I would have liked to watch it.

What I did read though is that one cyclist had 'collided with a tree?' - if correct, I am not surprised he is seriously injured !
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31st July 2016, 16:19
Hi, Rusty!
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31st July 2016, 16:22
Hi, Rusty!
I shall try again!
The cat somehow posted before I could write anything further!
Seemingly, the injured cyclist crashed into a tree, but the information given out so far is hazy.
It doesn't seem to be known whether the bike hit the tree, or the rider was thrown from the bike and then collided with the tree........not in the account that I read earlier, anyway.
But it sounded as though he is seriously injured.
Both patients - the one from the later crash, too - were taken to St George's Hospital.
No, I didn't know about "shrapnel" coming from a General of that name.
Presumably because he invented it?
You are a mine of information!
(I wish I could see inside your head!)
Did you get your milk?
My husband has just returned with the Sunday Times - I am now going to look for the Rio news!
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31st July 2016, 16:24
Yes, Pigale, that is what I read , too!
Altho the report didn't seem to know whether he crashed into the tree on or off his bike.
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31st July 2016, 17:02
Hello, Elle!
Yes, Major-General Henry Shrapnel, Royal Artillery, devised anti-personnel shells , which came to be known as "shrapnel" shells.
A pity about the lad hitting the tree.
Hope he is on the mend.
I got milk and a mackerel.
It is a fine day up here.
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31st July 2016, 17:36
Hi, Rusty!
I think the article ( in the Times ) by David Walsh, about Thomas Bach is excellent!
Mr B should be ashamed of himself.
After all, everyone else is!
I have switched off the television....I do not want to see any more cycling or worry about potential crashes!
I really did enjoy the women's race around London, though - along the Mall with St. James' Park on the left, through Green Park up Constitution Hill, along Birdcage Walk, past the Horse Guards parade, through Admiralty Arch and back down the Mall.
Great stuff!
Do you know that you can walk a very long way in London simply continuing from one park to another....... through St. James' Park, , onto Green Park, then through Hyde Park and on through Kensington Gardens?
Now how "green" is all that?
Is the mackerel for your tea?

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31st July 2016, 19:12
Hello, Elle!
David Walsh was the main man to bring down Lance Armstrong.
Excellent investigative journalist.
Thomas Bach is only one of many these sports organisations are infested with. Do we have a British Olympic Association?
Why are they not condemning the IOC?
I enjoyed the "tour", too.
I'd never seen Wimbledon before.
And the narrow Surrey lanes. Very appealing!
Unfortunately, BBC lost the pictures near the end.
Tom Boonen won.
I have not heard tell of Green Park before.
Are you making this up?
Yes, my mackerel was for my tea with tomatoes.
Remember you have to phone your cousin this evening?
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31st July 2016, 19:57
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, we do have a British Olympic Association.
The BOA is the National Olympic Committee(NOC) for the UK.
It includes all the National Governing Bodies (NGB) of each Olympic Sport.
But I am not sure of the hierarchy.
Would not the IOC be above an NOC?
International greater than National?
Would the BOA's condemning the IOC carry any weight?
You must surely have seen views of Wimbledon from watching the tennis? Quite often the cameras rove around the area, especially offering aerial views.
It is a nice upmarket green district, but it does rain there a lot!!!
I am not making up 'Green' Park! that is really its name!
Thank you, I shall remember to phone my cousin!
(In a little while, though, as she may not be home just yet).
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31st July 2016, 20:25
Hello, Elle!
Lord Moynihan used to be on some sporting body.
Not heard about him for a while.
I think the National organisations should speak out.
By not doing so, you are agreeing the cheats can compete.
Could our new Prime Minister not rattle a cage or two?
Or do we have a Sports Minister, I wonder?
What on earth does he/she get up to?
No, I have not seen the streets of Wimbledon before.
But I remember the rain!
Be why its so green!
Now, Green Park?
Is there a railway station of that name?
There is the faintest inkling in the back of my mind.
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