Good morning, Rosalind!
No need to duck!
We all have opinions on various things.
Makes the world go round, so they say!
Hello, Elle!
There was a Homeless World Cup for football held in Glasgow last month. In George Square.
It seemed to go very well.
Lizzie is anything but naive.
She is intelligent and very articulate.
Your point about drugs wearing off has much pertinence.
Hours can make a difference to the "glow" period in which drugs can be detected. That is why even if you are tested the next day after a "missed" test, the missed test still counts as a "miss".
The latest I have heard is that UKADA have asked CAS why one of Lizzies tests was overturned by them.
Even the thickest athletes who have only a notion of what two and two make, manage to comply with the test requirements.
No excuses for Lizzie. Three "misses"???!!!
I hope Dani King has her bag packed!