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29th July 2016, 21:43
Hello, Elle!
I am sure the Kilmarnock sept of your clan could tell you about stovies!
It is a Scots dish with more recipes and ingredients than you could poke a stick at!
But always with potatoes.
I have been in pubs where there have been "discussions" (unholy rows!) on the "correct" way to make stovies!
Our butcher uses roast beef with tatties in a sort of hash.
Very simple, very tasty.
The poor accommodation etc?
Who watches the watchers?
All these high faluting committees in the IOC are at best, incompetent, and probably tainted with corruption.
Same as FIFA at football.
That is the reality. Jobs for the boys!
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29th July 2016, 22:42
Nah, elle, I don't feel guilty at all! Not only is that emotion a waste of time, the others can also return home if they like. It didn't rain, although I drove through a downpour getting there.
The children enjoyed their toasted marshmallows on sticks, their grandmother having cut the sticks from coppiced hazel, sharpened them and sealed them in the fire! The 6 year old could more or less manage to toast them himself, sitting down for safety. One or two did get dropped!
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29th July 2016, 22:58
Hey, Rusty!
Stovies sound delicious!
Kirkintilloch, NOT Kilmarnock!
Also Edinburgh and Nairn!
The relatives are scattered about a bit!
There was a cricketing question on Eggheads of which you would not have approved!
The trouble is that I cannot now remember the question !!!.... but the answer was "bunsen".
Appertaining to rhyming slang...seemingly "bunsen burner" for "Turner"!
This rhyming slang gets everywhere!
Have you remembered that the Ride London Classique cycle race is tomorrow?
6 -7pm on BBC2.
This is the race that covers the London streets - including St James' Park, Birdcage Walk etc.
Then on Sunday the two London- Surrey races are also on TV.
They should be worth watching!

Hello, Ros!
I am glad that you enjoyed your day!
So you are back home , having left them all in the wood!
Will you go back to join them tomorrow?
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29th July 2016, 23:30
Hello, Elle!
Ah, Kirkintilloch, right!
Stovies are fine, but no two folk make them the same.
I actually prefer them made with corned beef rather than roasted beef.
I know nothing about cricket, Elle, other than you can be in or out.
I like Phil Tufnell though.
This TV sport is tiring.
I have been watching the ladies golf at Woburn and the US PGA at Baltusrol, and the Clasica San Sebastian is tomorrow, too.
And now London! I wonder who is riding?
Do you know?
Now, Rio.
Clare Balding tweeted a picture of the velodrome and it looks OK, although she said the spectators area is not finished.
Clare said the Germans and Aussies are training on it.
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30th July 2016, 09:36
Good morning, Rusty!
A fine day, but decidedly cooler.
Pleasant for walking though.
I have set the recorder to watch the London Ride.
This is the link - kind courtesy of Jazzgirl (I "saved" it in Favourites ) of all the cycle races should you want to look them up.
It is a women's race.......but I don't know who will be riding.
Will you be watching golf as well?
Otherwise today will be a quietish day for us....recovering from yesterday's feverish activity!
How about you?
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30th July 2016, 10:51
Good morning, Elle!
Cloudy, dry, and cool, here.
I have had a look at the riders in the various races and very few are top riders, but that should give opportunities to the younger ones.
Team Sky have a strong team in the men's race, but a lot of the top teams are not there. Clashing with San Sebastian.
I will watch San Sebastian, golf, and Cork versus Donegal at Gaelic football, and the 3.10 at Goodwood.
I shall endeavour to watch bits of the London Ride too!
I was at shop very early today, then had a dander along the Nature Trail.
I like Saturdays!
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30th July 2016, 11:52
Hi, Rusty!
Goodness, you will be busy!
In contrast, I intend to do as little as possible!
Reading - and walking the dog again later - are the height of my ambitions for today!
(Mind you, I have already pushed the hoover around, and hung out the washing!)
A reference in an email from a friend about Beatrix Potter reminded me..........
I was fascinated to read of an event at Hall Place - where we went yesterday with daughter and family - that there would be a reading of the Beatrix Potter tales by (quote) "the lady herself"????
Would this be by séance?
If my dates are correct, Beatrix Potter died in 1943!
I can foresee an interesting phenomenon!
Are you betting on any horses at Goodwood?
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30th July 2016, 12:43
Hello, Elle!
The heavens have opened!
Rain coming down like stair rods!
I was busyish earlier but going canny now.
Should it not be "hoisted" the washing, rather than "hung out"?
I think seances were debunked by Harry Houdini etc many years ago. Maybe a recording?
No bets today, but there is a smashing filly across from Ireland that I want to see run.
My rhubarb tart is just lollapalooza.
I still have half of it left!
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30th July 2016, 14:18
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I am sorry for your rain!
Still fine here! although the sky is no longer blue......
I hope it remains fine for the cycle race around London, later on.
Ok, I "hoisted" the washing"!
Do I "dehoist" it when I bring it in?
Lollapalooza? that is a new one on me!
I haven't heard the word before.
Did you make it up?
We are about to take flight in the direction of a park - or maybe the woods.
Destination unsure as yet.......
8859 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th July 2016, 14:28
Hello, Elle!
Rain has ended.
Nice and breezy now.
Lollopalooza is all the rage in Noo Yoik, I believe.
Dehoist is fine though.
The Aussies have been evacuated from the Olympic Village after a fire broke out.
I think these Games are more bother than they are worth.
8860 of 30765  -   Report This Post