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18th July 2016, 10:42
Hello, Pigale!
Yes, a French win is overdue!
But fingers crossed for Cancellara today!
Yes, his English is good, too.
The fifth language? Spanish.
Did you know his nickname is Spartacus?
I did not see an apology on the blog.
That is good they have posted one.
Hope you enjoy the heat, Pigale!
Still a bit cool up North here!
8591 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th July 2016, 13:07
Good afternoon, Rusty!
All was fine at the vets!
The dog tolerated her booster jabs , but didn't like having her teeth looked at - or her anal glands expressed!
The liver treats went down well though afterwards!
I looked in on the chicks - all there in the nest!
I was reading the site blog about red squirrels.
Now on Brownsea Island, near Poole ( where my daughter has been staying) there is a research project being carried out to find out how British red squirrels are being affected by a form of leprosy.
The study is to investigate how the leprosy is spread between the red squirrels - whose numbers are declining drastically - and how conservationists can help control its spread.
Brownsea Island will be open as usual during the project as there is considered to be “negligible risk” to the public from the disease, but visitors are advised not to touch any wild animals and birds - and to wash their hands!
This was news to me. I didn't realise that leprosy was prevalent among red squirrels , did you?
I thought the disease was eradicated.
What are you up to?
Are you watching the cycling?
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18th July 2016, 13:32
Hello, Elle!
Cycling just starting now.
Nice weather on le Tour.
Glad all was well wth you at the vet's.
We have red and grey squirrels here.
I do not know about now, but several years ago, the local wildlife park was feeding the greys to the wolves after testing them for a virus.
We have "look out for squirrels" notices on the roads.
The reds are prone to some disease or other.
I prefer the reds.
I have finished my crossword.
8593 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th July 2016, 13:45
I believe that quarter of a million of new cases of leprosy are diagnosed each year, elle. The bacterium cannot be grown in vitro, so it is difficult to make vaccines or find a new cure, though both are on the carpet.
I sure hope they never start killing red squirrels as they do badgers in some parts of the UK.
Too hot to do any gardening
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18th July 2016, 13:57
Hi, Rusty!
I recall the outcry that provoked in certain quarters, though I hadn't remembered that the wildlife park in question was in Dundee!
Yes, the grey squirrels were tested to ensure that they were free of a virus that would be fatal to the reds, and if clear, were then fed to the red squirrels.
I thought it was disgusting!
The red squirrels are prone to leprosy as I mentioned before.
Leprosy was first identified in red squirrels in Scotland in 2014, caused by the bacterium mycobacterium lepromatosis,
Although the disease wasn't new - it had been present in red squirrels for centuries.
I don't know any red squirrels! but the grey ones in our garden are very friendly.
I have yet to start my crossword!
8595 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th July 2016, 13:59
Hi Rusty,

Nice to see the Jura mounts scenery just before we get into Switzerland. It looks hot !
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18th July 2016, 14:08
Hello, Ros!
I understood that leprosy was fairly easily curable by multidrug therapy.
Hence my obviously ignorant and erroneous assumption that it has been more or less eradicated.
I shall do some investigating!
Too hot to do anything other than remain indoors with the fan on!
I do not like this weather!!!!
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18th July 2016, 14:32
Hello, Elle,
I am in a minority in my town, but I do not like the wildlife zoo that we have here.
I do not like zoos, and I never have.
I think they are horrible places. And smelly!
No, the grey squirrels were fed to the wolves and Arctic foxes, and probably to the wildcats.
The squirrels around here are mainly red ones.
A wee bit smaller than the greys.

Hello, Pigale,
Fine day on le Tour.
France is bathed in sunshine.
Good effort by Tony Martin!
8598 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th July 2016, 14:54
Hi, Rusty!
I was just about to message you to see if you had spotted my "senior moment"!
It was caused by my talking and typing at the same time!!!!!
I'd put "fed to the red squirrels" instead of "fed to the wolves"
(In fact, the whole paragraph was a bit mixed up!
I'm obviously not as good at multi - tasking as I'd thought!)
Hopefully you realised the 'intent' !
I think feeding the grey squirrels to other animals was barbaric!
How is your cycling going?
8599 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th July 2016, 15:02
Hello, Elle,
I thought you may have made an error!
Cycling is great.
Long way from the finish yet, but the scenery is great. Beautiful lakes and forests.
8600 of 30765  -   Report This Post