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19th July 2016, 10:12
Good morning, Rusty!
Another very hot and humid day here!
24C when I went out at 8am and said to reach 32C later!
I wish I could stay in my lounge all the day with the fan on, but unfortunately I have things to do that will involve several trips out.
Not good in this heat!
Have you been out for your paper? What is the weather like up your way?
I bought a paper this morning, so will have the Times 15 x 15 to do as well.
(If I can manage it!)
What do you have planned for your day?
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19th July 2016, 10:21
Good morning, Elle.
It is a lovely day here but a bit warm for me.
The bad news is, we have a Weather Warning in place from 6pm. Thunderstorms!
I had letters and cards to post earlier, so that is all that needed to be done.
What made you buy a paper?
Not like you!
8612 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th July 2016, 10:41
Hi, Rusty!
Goodness, your weather certainly "see-saws"!
One day you need your central heating it is hot!
My daughter is having fantastic weather in Christchurch - not as hot as here in London, but then they have the benefit of sea breezes!
Would that I were there!
I shall be buying a paper for a few days, as John and his wife are moving house!
His computer is now all packed up ready to no more screen shots of crosswords until they are established in their new abode.
It's a costly business, this buying of the Times daily! and it has gone up as well!
No cycling today.... you will have withdrawal symptoms, as I did when Wimbledon finished!
8613 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th July 2016, 13:02
Hello Elle/Rusty,

Strange weather you are having Rusty - how hot is hot in your neck of the woods?
Elle, does your car have air- conditioning? If it does, that should make your movements today more pleasant.
Here, it is now 38+ with no breeze - not humid, just very hot.
We may be on the borderline of some thunderstorms by tomorrow late afternoon, only for a few hours though.
I think the riders must be pleased to rest with such heat!
Had a look at the ospreys and was faced with an empty nest.
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19th July 2016, 13:11
Hello, Elle!
Are you melted yet?
I get my paper at a discount.
I am waiting to hear if the Olympic Committee bars Russia from Rio, or has a bit of a fudge.
I happened across a story which intrigued me which took place
during the 1968 Olympics.
About Peter Norman, "the white man in that photo".
A remarkable man. Worth a browse if you get a minute, if you do not mind me suggesting it. I think it would interest you.
Quite warm up here. My postie is wearing shorts!
No cycling but I recorded a prog about the last day of the Great War. So, I shall watch that instead.
8615 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th July 2016, 16:36
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Goodness, yes, I'm nearly melted down two foot shorter than before I went out several hours ago!
It is the most glorious day - were it not for the excessive heat!
We have been over to see to the cat!
That is a most impressive story about Peter Norman - "the white man in that photo".
I did not know of the stand for black rights that the two black athletes took, back in 1968, at the Mexico Olympics.
Nor of Peter Norman's solid support.
What a very nice man!
Thank you for drawing my attention to the event.
I see that the "BBC Breaking News" - about the Russian doping - that I told you about yesterday, is on the front page of the Times today!
I wonder what will be the outcome?
How was your programme about the last day of the Great War?

Hello, Pigale!
I'm sorry not to have replied sooner. We have been over to our daughter's.
Yes, fortunately the car's air- conditioning is very efficient.
I do not think the journey would have been bearable otherwise!
I know you love the heat, but I really cannot cope with the humidity - and it makes my hair curl!!!
I'm glad to be home with the fan on!
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19th July 2016, 16:58
Hello, Pigale!
Sorry, I have just noticed your post!
It was up 24 C earlier.Very warm for here, and little breeze.
I had a look at the ospreys and the camera was focused on a tree.
There were three ospreys perched on branches on it.
My area is supposed to be getting thunderstorms, too!
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19th July 2016, 17:15
Hello, Elle!
I well remember Tommie Smith and John Carlos and the medal ceremony but did not realise the part Peter Norman played.
And what a dreadful way Australia treated him.
Peter Norman was one of the good guys!
They are rambling on about the Court of Arbitration for Sport making a decision, now. Fudge, fudge! The Games start in two weeks!
There are good articles in the Times sports pages about the Games/Russians/Doping.
Elle, I have not watched my Great War programme, yet.
I remember reading about it though.
The US commander-in-chief was Black Jack Pershing and he was still ordering attacks with minutes to go to the Armistice, which they all knew was coming. Many commanders at the Front ignored his orders.
Very sensible too, for me.
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19th July 2016, 17:16
Hello Elle/Rusty,

Yes Rusty, KPO was in the nest with a bit of fish and then flew off with the fish - and a bit later I saw the bird on the tree, except that there was only one left.
I can understand that 24C is hot for your area; Luckily our heat at present is a dry heat Elle, that makes a lot of difference,
Feels funny to have a day without Le Tour!
8619 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th July 2016, 19:10
Good evening, Rusty!
I have read the articles in the Times about Russian doping.
I liked the short article from Goldie Sayers - she hit the nail on the head!
It is difficult though to know which way the IOC will jump......
One minute the powers-that-be are saying yes, a total ban across all disciplines......then the problem is going to a delay in a decision.....
As I'm reading it, though, the Athletes are definitely banned?
Now the issue is over whether all competitors for other events should also be banned?
For me, I should like to see Russia as a country completely banned from the Games.
A message is needed to be sent out to all countries that this is what happens if they cheat.
Don't you agree?
Your "war programme" sounds interesting and enlightening - I look forward to hearing/ learning more.
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