Good afternoon, Rusty!
Goodness, yes, I'm nearly melted down two foot shorter than before I went out several hours ago!
It is the most glorious day - were it not for the excessive heat!
We have been over to see to the cat!
That is a most impressive story about Peter Norman - "the white man in that photo".
I did not know of the stand for black rights that the two black athletes took, back in 1968, at the Mexico Olympics.
Nor of Peter Norman's solid support.
What a very nice man!
Thank you for drawing my attention to the event.
I see that the "BBC Breaking News" - about the Russian doping - that I told you about yesterday, is on the front page of the Times today!
I wonder what will be the outcome?
How was your programme about the last day of the Great War?
Hello, Pigale!
I'm sorry not to have replied sooner. We have been over to our daughter's.
Yes, fortunately the car's air- conditioning is very efficient.
I do not think the journey would have been bearable otherwise!
I know you love the heat, but I really cannot cope with the humidity - and it makes my hair curl!!!
I'm glad to be home with the fan on!