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19th July 2016, 19:12
Hello, Pigale!
Back to normal tomorrow with le Tour!
I saw one of the chicks take/steal a fish from another chick.
Maybe the first one had had enough, though.
24 C is very warm for me.
Our forecast is for thunderstorms!
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19th July 2016, 20:02
Hello, Pigale!
The osprey nest is empty at present!
They are all out gallivanting!
I wonder to where the 'chicks' will return when they eventually come back to the UK ?
This nest is obviously for mum and dad.
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19th July 2016, 21:24
Good evening, Elle!
Good stuff from Goldie, yes!
Elle, the Games are less than three weeks away.
There will be teams getting ready to fly to Rio very soon.
I imagine they will need a few days to acclimatise.
And we are in the middle of a pass the parcel game with WADA, IOC, and CAS.
And no sign of leadership anywhere!
I think there will be a slightly reduced Russian team going to the Games.
But, I firmly believe Russia should be banned.
BBC are doing a documentary on Katarina Johnston Thompson.
Did I get the young lady's name right?
I will start my prog tomorrow morning.
I have a vague memory that the last man killed in the Great War, they think, was a Canadian whose name escapes me.
Shot about two minutes to eleven.
I suspect there may have been later deaths but shall see what the doc says.
No film from the loch!
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19th July 2016, 22:50
Hey, Rusty!
I agree the whole "Russia" situation is a mess!
I'm hoping they won't renege on their decision about banning the Athletics team, anyway.
That is the only positive step the committees have taken so far.
I should hate to see that give way.
I shall look forward to seeing the documentary on Katarina Johnson -Thompson.
(Yes, you practically got the name right - just no "T" in "Johnson"!)
I see that the programme is being presented by Darren Campbell.
I like him - he was one of our very nicest 100m and 200m runners.
I wonder what happened to him?
Do you know what he is doing these days? (apart from presenting this programme!)
Goodness, this heat is really getting to me ......even the fans are failing to cool the rooms seems as though they only batting hot air around......
........and we face another "scorcher" tomorrow!
Maximum 32C I hear!
How hot is it your way?
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19th July 2016, 23:05
Hello, Elle.
It was 24C here.
Very warm.We have flood warnings in place.
Thunderstorms due.
I have not heard of Darren Campbell for many moons.
I would not look for too much regarding the Russians.
They were investigating Spain, Kenya, Jamaica, too.
What ever happened there?
Many countries are sending dopers to the Games.
Corruption abounds!
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19th July 2016, 23:17
Hi, Rusty!
24C sounds ideal!
Would that it were that cool (!) here!
My head is beginning to pound!
I might sleep in the garden.......
We were listening to LBC on the car radio when driving over to our daughters this afternoon.
The topic was - believe it or not - doping in Russia!
Some twit was suggesting that drug taking become legal and all athletes etcetera take them!
Shades of that female Russian athlete - wasn't that what she said?
Now what was her name?
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20th July 2016, 06:35
Good morning, Elle.
No thunderstorms so far.
Seems cooler though.
The Games are losing their attraction for me, just a bit, but I find it irksome that things appear to be going round in circles.
No one body appears to be in charge.
Still no video from the loch.
Last tme they said it was caused by power cuts.
I did not read of power cuts in my newspaper!
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20th July 2016, 07:36
Still no video from the loch.

I suppose the problem with banning all Russian participation in the Games is that it will cause huge political waves and they will say, with some justification "What about these other countries?" It has almost, or actually, got to the point where international competition of this kind isn't meaningful.
Could samples not be given at once, in full sight of officials from other countries and then tested on site, immediately, also watched carefully? Surely a back-up, tamper-proof container isn't beyond the wit of man? Labelled in a tamper-proof way too? Locked away somewhere guarded and totally inaccessible?

The gender issue is very complicated, too.
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20th July 2016, 07:58
Good morning, Rosalind!
Quite right. There are many countries with what we see as "drugs in sport" problems. Not only Russia, although it appears to be the accepted culture there.
There is all sorts of cheating going on.
Testers have accepted bribes in the past to ignore unacceptable tests.
There are people at this very minute, thinking, "how do we get round this test, how can we fake it?"
And if a test is failed, then money can change results.
And it is called "Sport"!
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20th July 2016, 09:24
Hello Elle/Rusty/Rosalind !!!

Picture is back at the loch - nest is empty !

How is everyone?
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