Hi, Rusty!
Honestly, I have never heard of Ma and Pa Kettle - or their films?
And Betty Macdonald? Who is she?
Are you not going to explain?
(Come now.......would I have you on?!)
Seriously....I do not know anything of them!
I did put on the TV to watch the cycling highlights, as I thought they might show the Grand Colombier.
But unfortunately I fell asleep! and, in fact, have only just woken up!
So whatever was shown...........I missed it!
I bought the Chambers Book of Lists! I have never yet had cause to use it!!
I had decided it was a "bad" buy.
However........when I can find where I put it, I shall browse through the Collective nouns!
(A use for it at last!)
Meanwhile, off the top of my head.........how about "an implausibility of gnus"?
I like that one.
Or "an enchantment of nightingales"
Very romantic.
Yes, a "hover of trout" is a strange one..... I mean..."hover" is to "remain in one place in the air"!