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17th July 2016, 21:13
Hello, Elle!
I think the collective nouns are a load of tosh.
Does anyone use them?
But, in the wild, trout are fairly motionless.
They find a good place in the burn where flies and nymphs etc come floating their way and feed on them. Once they find a good spot they stay there. Hover?
Speaking of trout, no film from the loch just now.
Now, you must understand, I know little about Betty.
But she married this man and went to live out in the sticks and raised chickens and wrote a well received book about it.
I am hoping it will be vaguely like a humourous "Mrs Mike".
Wait until Wednesday when le Tour enters the Alps.
Plenty to see there.
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17th July 2016, 22:15
Hi, Rusty!
I have just been having my weekly hour-long chat with my cousin.
All is well in her neck of the woods.
She and her daughters and families are going on holiday on Thursday for a week.
Yes, the way you explain it, "hover" does sound plausible as a descriptive collective noun for trout.
We used to have learn lists of collective nouns at school! Did you not have to do that?
I enjoyed "Mrs. Mike".
If your new book , "The Egg and I " is anything like that, then it should prove a good read.
I did finally get to do the Everyman crossword!
I find it easier to do a cryptic crossword on paper, rather than online, so I rather laboriously wrote out all the clues, so that I could write around them as I worked out the parsing!
I finished it anyway - and all fully parsed!
So still cat minding next week now.........
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18th July 2016, 07:59
Good morning, Elle!
Hover does make sense regarding the way trout feed.
They use as little energy as possible.
They hold station in the stream and the current brings their dinner to them.
Another thing I've noticed is with salmon.
They come in from sea to the river in groups.
And always, the larger fish are in front of the group.
The smaller ones at the back.
I do not know why that is. They do not feed in the river on their return.
I can't recall learning collective nouns at school, Elle.
Yes, I'll give The Egg and I, a whirl.
Mrs Mike was a good read.
Doing a crossword online is a scutter compared to doing it on paper, I agree.
Still no video from the loch!
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18th July 2016, 09:24
Hello, Elle and Pigale!
Video is running at the loch.
The nest is empy just now.
The young ones are spreading their wings!
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18th July 2016, 09:51
Morning Elle/Rusty,

Just had a look at the empty nest! Reading the blog, still not updated as far as ospreys' progress is concerned, it sounds that some people had problem connecting all through the week-end.
I had no such problem yesterday afternoon. Yours appeared late evening Rusty, no?

Another very hot day ahead - already 31C and due to reach 34C - and I think London might get hot too. Hope there is a breeze for you Elle. What about your weather Rusty?
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18th July 2016, 10:04
Good morning, Rusty!
Just back from the park!
Very hot out........23C already!
Last night was dreadfully and humid, even though we had the fan on in our bedroom.
Are you any warmer today?
I shall Google "Ma and Pa Kettle" later on and see whether I can find anything on Youtube. Or would it be too "old"?
For no reason at all (!), this has put me in mind of "The Glums"!
I loved those old radio shows..."Take It From Here", "The Navy Lark", "Beyond Our Ken"
Very funny!
Ron and Eth were good!
I think that was from "Take It From Here"?
Right, I am now off to the vets........the dog is due her annual boosters and also her anal glands check.
I shall look in on the chicks when I come back.
I have yet to see baby brother actually in action!

Hello, Pigale!
Extremely hot here - for me!
23C first thing and threatening /promising - depending on how one views it! - to be about 29C later.
You might think it a trifle cool?
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18th July 2016, 10:10
Hello, Pigale,
Not a bad day with me, but coolish, so far.
Yes it was late evening when I had no picture, Pigale.
And earlier today.
I think the blog folk should post if there is a problem.
They are not great communicators.
Just wonder if Cancellara will attempt a home town win today?
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18th July 2016, 10:12
Elle, no, 29C is not cool for me! It is just lovely, providing though that it is not a humid heat - which seems to be the case for you.

Here, at present it is a very dry heat, so even though it is quite high, it feels OK, but I will have the fan on this afternoon and partially close the shutters on South side so that the room remains comfortable.

My cats will be due a booster next month I think - the vet will send me a note to remind me.
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18th July 2016, 10:25
Hello, Elle,
Well, it is not hot here, but pleasantly cool.
I do not know if Ma and Pa Kettle are too old for YouTube.
I would not think so.
Verdi died in 1901 and I have watched his funeral on YouTube.
It was in Milan, and the city came to a stop for it.
You may well find the Glums etc on YouTube.
Have a go?
I was pleasantly surprised last week.
There was an RTE documentary I wanted to see, (it was in Donegal) and it was on YouTube and lasted for over an hour.
I never imagined things that length were on YouTube.
One chick has turned up!
Hope you get on OK at the vet!
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18th July 2016, 10:25
Hi Rusty,

It would be nice for Cancellara to win at home - on the other hand, we here are still waiting for a French win !!! I read a bit about Fabian last night and discovered his parents originally came from Southern Italy, which explain the Italian sounding name; Living in Switzerland, and with Italian origins, it is less surprising he speaks 5 languages - Italian, German and French are often spoken by Swiss people, and I would imagine he speaks English too? Remains one other language. Nonetheless, it is good.

The blog has an apology about the camera problems; It was the week-end so the volunteers may not be so communicative - but it's true they have not written anything about the ospreys for a while.
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