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17th July 2016, 10:36
Hi Rusty,

I don't know what to make of Thomas! He has not really done a lot yet, has he?
Yes, the Lacets are a fantastic piece of engineering!
Sorry about your weather - it must be quite chilly for you to have the heating on!
I reckon Cherry/Charlotte will update the blog now that the little male has fledged, (and about the fish too).
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17th July 2016, 10:36
The nest is empty!
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17th July 2016, 11:01
Hi, Rusty!
Whew! it wasn't pleasant out.....very hot and humid!
A good job we decided to go out early - it will be far too uncomfortable for the dog later on.
And me! I don't like heat!
It is incredible that it is so cold in Dundee!
I hope it warms up for you!
I am having trouble with my printer still - the ink hasn't arrived yet.
I am investigating if there is any possible way to do the Everyman - usually I print it off.
I may get withdrawal symptoms without my weekly "fix"!
Good to see all the chicks on the move now...Lassie and Laddie have done a good job!
What do you have planned for today?
I have tennis at some stage, but also have to fit in a last visit to the cat.......they are home tomorrow!

Hello, Pigale!
Strange the range of temperatures we have between us!
You love your heat; I am wilting in mine! and Rusty is cold!
It is good that all the chicks are finally flying .
Now to see how quickly they all become accomplished "fishers"!
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17th July 2016, 11:05

I have completed mine on iPad. It is interactive.
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17th July 2016, 11:06
It is also interactive on my laptop
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17th July 2016, 11:14
Good morning, Pigale!
There will be attacks today and hopefully Thomas Voeckler will be in a break!
Should be a great days racing and superb scenery!

Hello, Elle!
I am snug as a bug at home!
Wearing a fleece shirt!
We had some nice days earlier.
I slung my printer.
I really only used it for Guardian crossword, but one crossword a day is plenty for me now.
Cycling takes priority today.
I love the Grand Colombier.
Spectacular scenery and the most amazing roads I have ever seen.
A triumph of civil engineering.
The golf wont finish until after the cycling has, so it works out quite well for me.
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17th July 2016, 12:26
Hi, Rusty!
It is a pity that the weather is not being kinder to your son and daughter-in -law whilst they are taking a break!
Our daughter has just phoned to say they are all having such a good time that they wish they could stay for another week!
I've told them to go for it - if their caravan is available for a second week, why not?
So she is going to find out if staying longer is possible.
I'm happy to look after the cat for another session!
Speaking of which.........we are just about to drive over there to offer sustenance and cuddles!
Is the cycling underway?

Jazzgirl, thank you for the reference.
But I am not skilled enough to do the crossword online.
I like (need!) it written out in front of me so that I can work it out round the clues!
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17th July 2016, 13:24
Hello, Elle!
Good advice for your daughter.
Hope she succeeds!
My son and his wife will be fine.
This is Scotland, we are used to weather like this!
I have just ordered a book.
The Egg and I, by Betty MacDonald.
Gets good reviews.
Le Tour has been on TV since 11.00.
Superb weather in France and wonderful scenery.
Just passed a huge memorial to the Resistance, which I am sure Pigale knows all about.
There is a large breakaway including Thomas Voeckler who I would like to see doing well.
If you get the chance it would be worth looking in towards the end of the race when they climb the Grand Colombier.
The road is very, very, impressive!
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17th July 2016, 13:46
Hi Rusty,

There are many memorials to the Resistance in the Alps (as well as in the South West); From the Alps, Switzerland could be reached and thus there was a whole net work of local 'guides' to help threatened families. Also of course, the mountains were favourable to the Resistance movements because easier to hide in.

The Tour is in the easy first half of the stage at present - I reckon things will change in the second half and the Lacets and the Grand Colombier itelf.
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17th July 2016, 14:04
Hello, Pigale!
Thank you for the history lesson!
I knew you would know all about the Resistance memorial.
It would be great country for them with the mountains and forests. I love the scenery!
Voeckler is in the break, good to see!
Looking forward to the Lacets!
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