Hi, Rusty!
I have absolutely no idea why a collection of sphinxes should be called a "finery"!
The newly erected information board around the renovation site told me that!
Did you take time out to look at the pictures on the link I sent you?
What did you think of the (authentic original) colour?
Probably eating pancakes whilst watching TV is not the healthiest of lifestyles.....but they do sound delicious......pass me one over, please.......!
I am just starting the Times Jumbo GK......having hung out all the washing!
I shall watch the Athletics, then later the tennis.
I shall look out for Caster Semenya!
And at some point we need to fit in another dog walk........
Busy, busy!
Hello, Pigale!
I suppose no one was really expecting any different claimant for the atrocities.
Such an unhappy time for so many people.
Hot (by my standards!) here, too.
Going to reach 25C
Only one chick there when I went to bed last night!
I guess the others must have been having "a night out on the town"!