Hey, Rusty!
I had to look up what a 'whitlow' is........I see it is an abscess in the soft tissue near a finger/toe nail.
Sounds nasty! and painful!
From your searching for a pin, I am assuming you are planning to lance it?
I hope you will remember to sterilise said pin before 'attacking' the whitlow - otherwise you will end up with an even worse infection.
Take care!
Tom Dumoulin is a new name to me?
Now Chris Froome....I had always thought that he was British, but see that he has only been competing for GB since 2008 - on the basis o f his passport and his father's and grandfather's place of birth.
He must have dual nationality as he previously competed for Kenya?
All this about Kenyan nationality is ringing a dim (because of my bad memory) bell?
Weren't we talking about dual nationality re Kenya recently?
Or something similar?
Hello, Pigale!
No, I'm afraid that unfortunately I didn't see the podium ceremony...it sounds to have been very moving.
I am sorry that I missed it.
I haven't watched any of this year's TdF as yet, and today I was out all the afternoon.
I only put the TV on for Eggheads when I returned home.