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17th March 2016, 22:37
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I have found "The Morning Line" in the TV guide! As I shall be out with the dog at the time it is showing, I shall record that , too (as well as the afternoon races) to see what is said about Victoria.
It will be an exciting day!
And I have the Athletics World Indoor Championships to watch, too, over the next few days!!
Some of it, I am told, will be showing on the Red button!
It's all happening!
6641 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2016, 11:16
Good morning, Elle!
Bit dull here, but not cold.
The athletics should be good.
I see Lynsey Sharp is running!!!
I have Milan-San Remo tomorrow, and am wondering if anyone is televising the World Curling Championship?
Must cheer Eve Muirhead and team!
Are you any the wiser after The Morning Line?
Paddy P has given me a free £2 bet for some unknown reason, and I have entrusted Nina with it in the Foxhunters!
The Gold Cup is very tricky to get an idea of the winner this year.
The latest score is Britain 10 Ireland 11, so all to play for at Cheltenham today!
6642 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2016, 12:36
Hi, Rusty!
Dull here but VERY cold!
We were late going out this morning....only came back about half eleven.
I have only just had the chance to look at "The Morning Line"....admittedly I flicked through (couldn't understand much of it!) until I came to the video about Victoria!
This I watched in its entirety.
I didn't know that Pacha doesn't usually run such a distance as in the Foxhunters' Chase?
I gather that Victoria is in with a remote chance, but it is considered ill-advisable to back her (or the horse because of the distance?) damned with faint praise?
That is good that you have a free £2 bet! and are placing it on Nina!
BUT.... I'm gathering that the Foxhunters' race isn't on till 4.30?
..........and tranmission on Channel 4 finishes then!
SO it looks as though I won't be able to see it?
You would think, would you not, that after all the publicity that has been given to Victoria and Pacha for this race, that Channel 4 would at least show it?
6643 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2016, 13:02
Hello, Elle!
The Foxhunters is off at 4.10.
It will be transmitted in its entirety on Channel 4, even in sunny Bromley!
Pacha is a good sound jumper but may or may not get the trip.
I think he will.
No, you would have to be bonkers to back Vic to win.
Some good horses running, and some excellent amateur riders. Sam Waley Cohen, Derek O'Connor, Nina, Jamie Codd, etc.
Vic has never attempted big fences like these, before.
Cheltenham is a very tough course, and the jockeys will give her no quarter.
She will do tremendously well to get round.
I think most folk are willing her on.
Anyway it will be a great race!
6644 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2016, 14:41
Hi, Rusty!
That is good that the Foxhunters' Chase is at 4.10, and not 4.30 as I thought they said this morning! I was worried that I was going to miss it!
Let's hope that Victoria stays on the horse and gets round the course safely!
Do you have a favourite now for the Gold Cup?
You sound to be all set for Sport over the weekend , too, with cycling tomorrow!
Daughter just rang, she and BB and baby are coming over for the day on Sunday!
The weekend looks good!
I am just going out in the garden to play with the dog for a bit..............
6645 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2016, 15:11
Hello, Elle!
Yes, you will see the race.
Vic has arrived at the course.
Hope she gets round!
I am going with Cue Card, each way, in the Gold Cup.
He has to be in the first three.
Some very good horses in the Gold Cup, as you would expect.
Then, Nina, in the Foxhunters, and that will be that at Cheltenham!
So, you are getting the new baby and BB for a visit?
Very good!
6646 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2016, 16:02
I hope Vic gets round, too. horse racing sooooooooooo dangerous.
You and a lot of others like Cue Card, rusty

See what effect you've had on me, never even knew when the old Cup was on. As a teenager I was taken racing at Chester we are talking the 1950s) and refused a 10/- note to bet with. What a prig. Still don't gamble, could get hooked so easily. Hope you win.
6647 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2016, 16:39
Hey, Rusty!
Goodness, what to say! It was so, so exciting!
First, the Gold Cup.......I'm sorry that Cue Card fell (especially as you had a bet on him) - but at least he and his rider were all right!
He was coming up well, too, when the fall happened!
Don Cossack was great!
But the Foxchasers!
As you thought, Nina won! What a race!
And Victoria.....well, she exceeded all expectations, I think!
Not only staying on .....but coming fifth!
I don't, as you know, know much about horse- racing, but she seemed to ride very sensibly and competently?
(and the commentator remarked later that another few strides would most probably have brought her in third!)
It augurs well for her future in horse-racing?
You must be very pleased!
6648 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2016, 16:41
Hello, Elle!
Hello, Rosalind!
What a day at Cheltenham!
I never imagined in my wildest dreams that Vic would do so well.
I am astonished!
So very pleased for her.
And she waited to congratulate Nina, too.
Just made my day.
Two of my very favourite sports ladies!
6649 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2016, 16:47
Hello, Elle,
Cue Card was going ominously well when he tipped over.
May even have won.
But pleased for Don Cossack and Gordon Elliott.
He is a great young trainer.
Roll on next year!
6650 of 30765  -   Report This Post