Hi, Rusty!
Have are you?
We have had a great time with a branch of the family coming over for the day!
Big brother is still keen to help mum with the baby - I think she is becoming exhausted by all the assistance!
It is nice to see him being so loving though - he could, after all, be showing signs of sibling jealousy!
We spent all the afternoon at the park.
I did the Everyman this morning by courtesy of some kind soul who posted up a link - the puzzle couldn't be found on the usual site.
I have "The Voice" to watch this evening - and (recorded) Athletics when I can manage to fit that in!
What have you been up to today?
Hello, Pigale!
I didn't even know that England had won the Rugby!
But it's very nice of you to offer congratulations!
Have you had a good weekend?
Chris, Did you do the Everyman today?
Did you notice that 2d required the same answer and same parsing as did Diablos' clue 15A (not sure what paper?) yesterday?
An odd coincidence?