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15th March 2016, 12:15
Hi, Rusty!
Hi, Rusty!
At least you have the advantage of being able to drive!
If I go out alone, I am dependent on public transport, so it is as well that I have a lot of options....trains, trams , buses, the Overground .......
I had my MOT a while ago.......all ok, thankfully.
I hope you will be lucky with your bets! it all adds to the excitement!
I hope "Vroum, Vroum......." lives up to her name!
Which other horse are you backing?
We are going out soon....gone very dull... hope we aren't going to have rain!

Another homophone for you - and Malone and Pigale if around.....
Times QC 14A:
Member of the clergy reportedly shot playing billiards (6)
6611 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th March 2016, 13:42
I believe is the King Charles spaniels that get driven mad by having skulls too small for their brains. I saw a TV program on it way back, The poor animals were running round and round from pain and people were saying "It's the breed standard" as if that were any excuse for such torture.
I understand there are now 2 kinds of Alsatians, those like the Cruft's one and those with normal straight backs, but the latter wouldn't win so are not entered.
Think you are right, there was a fuss last year too. Time to at least take the show off TV
6612 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th March 2016, 14:59
Hello, Elle!
Not sure yet, regarding a bet.
Was going to do Nina but her race is on after C4 finishes coverage.
Clare Balding did a great interview with Nina and husband, Ted. Was very funny!
Britain 1 Ireland 1 at the minute.

Hello, Rosalind,
I have read about these poor dogs.
Surely there should be laws against this.
I sometimes go to the Bull Sales at Stirling, and the bulls there are enormous great things compared to the bulls of fifty years ago. All caused by creative breeding.
Frankensteins are being bred!
6613 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th March 2016, 16:34
Elle, I've noticed - and accepted - the recent homophones. It's the alleged homophones that irritate me!

I have no interest whatsoever in dogs, any dogs, but I've always been of the view that Crufts is like the Miss World competition - it's totally unnecessary and something that should be abolished.
6614 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th March 2016, 16:38
Hello, Elle!
Good racing at Cheltenham!
Willie (walks on water) Mullins has had three winners including Vroum Vroum Mag. All ridden by Ruby Walsh.
Could this be Ruby Tuesday?
Willie's wife, Jackie, rides Mag at home every day.
She can pick a horse!
I have made a wee profit, so shall back Nina in the next, and hopefully Paddy Power site will show it.
I have not looked at the crossword yet!
6615 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th March 2016, 17:33
Hi, Rusty!
That's great! I am glad that you had a win!
It all adds to the afternoon's entertainment, doesn't it!
Well done, Vroum Vroum Mag (obviously aptly named!)
Ruby Tuesday - I like it!
Goodness that is going back a long way.......1960s..... The Rolling Stones?
So have you backed Nina? and has she won her race?
Is this another instance of only being able to watch the race if you back a horse running in it?
Wasn't that the situation previously with the Paddy Power website?
Did you solve the Times QC homophone? Not one to argue about anyway!
6616 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th March 2016, 19:07
Hello, Elle!
Yes, Mag won well!
Nina Carberry was 4th, so a little profit as I had her each way.
Her sister-in-law, Katie Walsh (Ruby's sister) was third.
Yes, the Stones did Ruby Tuesday.
Paddy lets you watch the race, only if you bet a minimum of £1 on it.
It is a jumpy picture though.
I think I got the homophone but I have forgotten it!
My bedside table-thingy has arrived.
The packaging stunk (is that a word?) of cigarette smoke.
Just finished the crossword. Quite good today!
6617 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th March 2016, 20:27
Hi, Rusty!
So a good day for you at the races!
I am somewhat confused as to the relationships between Ruby and Katie Walsh and Nina Carberry?
Ruby and Katie are brother and sister?
Nina is their sister- in -law? So there must be another brother to whom Nina is married?
Is he a jockey, too?
Are you pleased with your new table - thingy now that it is in position by your bed?
I hope that the aroma of cigarette smoke from the packaging hasn't lingered on the table?
All stations go for the new lamp now ?
Maybe time now for a coffee.......I limit myself to two mugs a day! - otherwise I drink water!
And possibly some shortbread biscuits......our son bought us some unusual shortbread with chocolate "bits" in it....I'm not sure whether I fancy it? I'm not a chocolate lover..... I'll let you know my verdict!
Btw, the homophone was cannon/ canon - no pronunciation to argue about today!
6618 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th March 2016, 22:27
Hello, Elle!
This is it.
Ruby (Rupert) Walsh is Katie's brother.
Nina Carberry is married to Ted Walsh, brother of Ruby and Katie.
Ted is a bit heavy to be a jockey.
The Walshes and Carberrys are long established families in the racing world in Ireland.
During the interview with Clare Balding, she asked what was the thing that Ted liked most about Nina.
Without a moments hesitation, he replied, "Her smile! Even when she comes into the unsaddling enclosure covered in mud, there is always the lovely smile!"
I thought that was very nice of the bold Ted!
The new thingy is fine.
I will dump the old thingy and packaging at the skips tomorrow.
I remember the canon now!
6619 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th March 2016, 10:53
Good morning, Rusty!
A fine but cold day here! The mud remained dry though - so, so did the dog!
I have already dealt with two machine loads of washing!
Have you been to the tip with your old-thingy?
That was a lovely thing for Ted Walsh to say about his wife - who says romance is dead?
I expect you will be watching more racing today? Any horses you particularly fancy to win?
Did I tell you that we have won a romantic meal for two at one of our favourite local restaurants?
Twice a year , our vet awards four vouchers for a free meal.
When you take your pet in for his/ her annual booster vaccinations, you are given a ticket for a draw.
This time I won! It's a good deal as the voucher is for £70!
6620 of 30765  -   Report This Post