Good morning, Rusty!
A cold , bright morning today! Very invigorating!
How is it with you?
Yes, you were very lucky with your mother- in- law.
You obviously had a very special relationship with her.
Sadly, I never knew mine. She had died long before we were married.
My father -in -law was a lovely man.
I believe Easter was a pagan festival originally? I think that the early Christians adopted it as similar to the Jewish Passover?
I could be wrong here as I'm none too sure of its history?
Easter is a "movable feast" so the dates differ every year.
I have heard the name Paddy Mullins, even though I have never followed horse racing.
You should enjoy the book!
Yes, I am going out to lunch later.......I am looking forward to it!
Just going to have a quick look at the crosswords now.......