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17th March 2016, 13:31
Just seen the first Brimstone butterfly of the year (sulphur yellow, unmistakeable). Magic
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17th March 2016, 14:09
Hi Rosalind,

Are there any common yellow butterflies that you know of ?
We seem to have some 'brightish' yellow ones starting to show themselves now, but I am not sure what they are.
6632 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th March 2016, 14:17
Hi pigale
There are also Clouded Yellows, which are commoner than Brimstones in some areas.
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17th March 2016, 14:39
Thanks Chrise; I am not sure that the yellow butterflies I can see at present are as 'delicate' as the Clouded Yellows ! They might be an even more common breed - will have to ask my old farmer friends.

One thing for sure is that I can hear great noise from a flock of cranes that have just landed in a field somewhere around here ! They do make themselves heard. Some arrived a couple of weeks ago, but over the past few days, I've seen several waves of them - Good sign that Winter (what we had of it !) is nearing its end.
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17th March 2016, 17:21
Good afternoon, Rusty!
It has been a beautiful day, and has been warmed considerably by the lovely (fairly strong) sunshine!
I have had a most enjoyable time out - very nice meal.....we went to the place that does those superb crepes (should be a cirumflex over the first 'e' , but don't know how to do it?)
I had Sicilian crepes with three different kinds of cheeses (!), chips, and salad!
Scrumptious! I shan't need any dinner!
Conversation as always was good!
I think my hearing about Paddy Mullens may well have come from you! ( You are my only source of racing info!)
How did today's racing go? Did you place any successful bets?
Now, tell me, what is the Morning Line? You say you wonder whether Victoria will be on it tomorrow?
A little bit more info about the origin of Easter....
Old English ēastre ; of Germanic origin and related to German Ostern and east; perhaps from Ēastre, the name of a goddess associated with spring.

Hello, Pigale!
Goodness , up to 14c? You are certainly having some lovely weather!
It is glorious here but no way that warm! We aren't into double figures, altho I'd say it is probably about 8C (ish?)
I haven't seen any butterflies yet this year!
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17th March 2016, 17:27
The bright yellow of the male brimstone is unlikely to be confused with a clouded yellow, I'd say. The females are another matter, brimstones hibernate and come out quickly in any bright early sunshine, as we had this morning.
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17th March 2016, 17:35
Well, I don't know what butterfly we have around here, but they are out and about throughout the day when weather is nice - not just in morning. As I said, I will ask the friendly old farmers I meet up with sometimes, if they know the name of the butterfly I mean.
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17th March 2016, 17:49
Hello, Elle!
You seem to have had a pleasant day so far.
Racing was great today!
I am still ahead of Paddy P for the week with one day to go!
The Morning Line is a racing programme at 8.00 a,m. on C4.
Racing "experts" are on it.
Sometimes jockeys and trainers.
Ruby's Dad, Ted, is on it every day. Father Ted he is known as, these days.
So Vic may be on.
I had a good idea Easter existed long before Christianity started.
The evenings are stretching!
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17th March 2016, 19:12
Hi, Rusty!
You seem to have had a good day yourself, too!
You have certainly picked your potential winners wisely!
Are you betting on Victoria tomorrow? I know you want her to do well!
As do I!
But you have a soft spot for Nina too - and presumably she is in with a far greater chance than Victoria?
Or is it possible to bet on them both?
Our venues for "Ladies who Lunch" may have to be extended!
One of my friends is moving to live nearer to some of her family as she is finding mobility a bit of a problem at times.
Getting up to London will be easier for her ( for a time anyway) so we may have to meet somewhere up in town to accommodate this.
It means investigating eating places/ restaurants anew!
Ah well, I guess it is a new project!
I rarely go up to London other than to meet my friend Sue once a month, when we go to Art galleries / exhibitions.
It will be a change!
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17th March 2016, 20:46
Hello, Elle!
I have a bet on Vic to be in the first 4 home, which Is most unlikely.
She will do very well to complete the course.
So, fingers crossed for her! Hope she gets round safely.
Nina is riding the favourite.
I have not decided (apart from my wee bet on Vic) what to do tomorrow. It is Gold Cup day.
I will watch the Morning Line and see what the latest info is and then pick one or two.
It is a good idea to try out new restaurants etc.
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