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21st March 2016, 16:56
oops ! Sorry, meant East !
6671 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st March 2016, 18:59
Good evening, Elle, and Pigale,
I am getting on fine.
Had one or two things to do.
Lizzie won the big bike race in Italy!
And Eve's team won their games in Canada beating Korea and Germany. (They lost their first game.)
Dreadful news from Donegal about the family who died at Buncrana. Five drowned. Awful!
Been a fine day here and hopefully it shall continue.
Days are definitely stretching!
6672 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st March 2016, 20:10
Good evening, Rusty!
I am glad to hear that all is well!
Yes, a terrible business about the family in Donegal drowning.......I hope it was not someone of whom you knew?
So tragic.
Lizzie did well in her race!
There was a cycling question on Eggheads tonight.......
In cycling, what is a bidon?
A race number; safety helmet; water bottle?
(Kevin knew the answer!)
Has your fitter been to fix your new blinds yet?
6673 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st March 2016, 20:27
Hello, Elle,
A bidon is a bottle.
Controversy in the first big race of the year!
The winner has been accused of getting a tow from his team car on the final climb!
Lizzie is showing great form. Let us hope she has no injuries before Rio! Unfortunately she won't have her team around her.
They are several different nationalities.
Nina, unfortunately, will miss the Grand National, it looks like.
A ban for excessive use of the whip.
I do not know the family who drowned, but I know Buncrana.
Just saw an interview on RTE with the young man who saved the baby. Would break your heart listening to him, and his girlfriend.
My blinds were fitted last week.
They look fine.
6674 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st March 2016, 21:18
Hi, Rusty!
You should be on Eggheads! Yes, you are quite correct, a bidon is a water-bottle!
I remember seeing an incident when a cyclist got a "tow" from his team car, when I was watching the cycling last year!
I cannot understand the mentality behind such an act? Yes, he would gain an advantage, but as it would not be on his own merits, where would be the personal satisfaction?
Re Nina's suspension........I think using a whip is cruel? yet when I was watching the horse racing on Friday, I saw that so many of the jockeys do wield their whips?
Where is the line drawn? what becomes excessive? it looked to me as though some of the horses were being "beaten"?!
I still have not caught up with all the World Indoor Athletics........I have yet to watch Days 3 and 4.......
Glad the blinds are ok!
6675 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st March 2016, 21:37
Hello, Elle!
Of course I know what a bidon is, cycling is my sport!
The use of the whip is a veritable minefield.
In jumps racing it can be used 8 times, but it is a lot more complicated than that. Where on the horse, when, is the horse injured by the whip. Many considerations.
I do not like the whip at all.
I would have had a wee punt on Nina in the National, but unless she appeals it seems I may have to look elsewhere.
Sam Waley-Cohen is suspended and appealing, not heard about Nina.
6676 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st March 2016, 21:50
Tried to reply loads and didn't work
I was going to say, I think the whip should be outlawed completely. I was a bit horrified at the end of that race I watched, after the Gold Cup. It seems a poor reward to a horse for running as fast as it can.
I'm no sentimentalist, indeed I don't like most animals, but hitting them like that is not civilized and shouldn't be allowed. I'm not watching any more horse races!

The last Grand Natonal I did see (Pathe News) was in about 1951 or some time like that, when I think 7 horses fell at Beechers and most died. My father used to ring my brother at school to find out which horse he was backing, as his friend was a bookie's son.
6677 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st March 2016, 21:54
Hello, Rosalind,
I agree completely regarding whipping horses.
It should be banned.
6678 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd March 2016, 09:37
Good morning, Rusty!
A glorious day here - blue sky, warm(!) sunshine, and very mild!
Have you been out yet for your paper?
I hope you , too, are having a day like this?
Any word about Nina? Is she appealing her suspension?
I am somewhat surprised that you support her so avidly if you do not approve of the use of the whip?
.......although , having said that, maybe all (or most?) of the jockeys use their whips?
I have never really noticed before, until watching Victoria race in the Foxhunters' chase.
Right.... a quick cup of coffee and them I am away to have my hair trimmed!!
The crosswords will have to await my return!
6679 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd March 2016, 14:38
Good afternoon, Elle!
Not too bad a day here.
Just been watching the hearses arriving in Derry with the family who drowned at Buncrana. Heartbreaking stuff.
Nina is a great jockey, whip or no whip.
There are very few male jockeys who can match her.
She is a master of her craft, hence my admiration.
I do not know if she is appealing, but On The Fringe is heading to Aintree, and the trainer hopes to book Jamie Codd for the ride, if Nina is stood down.
Jamie deputised for Nina already this season when she was injured.
I got a glowing report from the nurse for my annual MOT today. That is pleasing!
6680 of 30765  -   Report This Post