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13th March 2016, 17:45
I'll try - I shouldn't have tried the Spoonerism, but I was keen to get my retaliatory clue in after I saw Poplar (again, yet again).
6591 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th March 2016, 18:12
There is such a thing as a "split-site" according to Collins online could you amend the clue to read
" Spooner challenges mountain in Glasgow split - location (or site) (8)
Hence giving Bearsden = Dares Ben ?
Just a possibility?
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13th March 2016, 18:43
Thanks for that, Elle. I'm glad I mentioned earlier in the week that I wasn't very knowledgeable about Spoonerisms!
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13th March 2016, 20:43
Hi, Rusty!
I watched "The Voice" eventually! (after a lot of interruptions!)
I enjoyed it!
The "Knockouts" for two of the four teams were held this week. I didn't always agree with the three choices ( to go through to the next round) made by each judge, but I guess they know what they are about.
I've also caught up with "Casualty" so quite a lot of TV for me to watch at one go!
But then I've finished my book....and not yet chosen a replacement.....I have about four books still to read and then I must consult Amazon again!
What are you reading at the moment?
I shan't be talking to my cousin tonight...she has just texted me to say that she is stranded in Yorkshire as her car has broken down!
She is awaiting the rescue services! I hope she doesn't have too long to wait......she will then have a long drive ( or ride if necessary) home!
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13th March 2016, 21:04
Hello, Elle,
I thought Boy George was looking well on The Voice.
I had it in my head that he was poorly these days.
I have credit with Amazon and Waterstones, so may get round to picking something.
My present read is Cold Blooded Murder.
It is a true story of the murder of Pearl Gamble.
Her killer was the last hanged in Norn Iron.
The AA etc are pretty good these days.
I have been in AA since God was a boy!
Hopefully they will get her going.
Willie Mullins' horses have arrived at Cheltenham!
Some operation when you think about it.
Around 60 horses travelled from County Carlow and all the lasses and lads to look after them.
Not heard anything about Vic today.
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13th March 2016, 21:50
Hi, Rusty!
Boy George does very well as a judge on the show, I think?
He replaced Tom Jones as an "older element" (altho obviously a lot younger than Tom!) and seems to get on well with the other judges.
How old will George be? Early fifties?
I have never heard of Pearl Gamble? Who was she? and what made you decide to read about her?
Or am I looking at this from the wrong angle ? Is it the story of her murderer being the last man to be hanged in Northern Ireland that interests you?
I don't know who was the last man to be hanged in England, do you? although I know that Ruth Ellis was the last woman.
I had no idea that transporting horses to races happened on so large a scale! Incredible!
Whatever must be the Insurance costs?
Not long now till Victoria's race! What will she do in this coming week?
Training? Racing practice?
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13th March 2016, 22:03
Hello, Elle!
Well, the last executions in England were at the same time.
One was in Walton Prison, Liverpool, and the other at Strangeways, Manchester. Evans and Allen.
Both executed for the same crime.
Last in Scotland was Henry Burnett at Aberdeen.
Pearl Gamble was at a dance and was murdered on her way home. It was a huge story in NI at the time.
George will be in his fifties I think.
I would think this is the largest team from one trainer to cross the sea. There will be a lot more from Ireland too.
There is a wee trophy, whose name escapes me, for who has the most winners. Britain or Ireland.
Britain "should" win it, in spite of Willie Mullins!
Vic was maybe point to pointing today.
Other than that she will be riding work for Lawney and Alan Hill.
She even rode work for them on Christmas morning, on the gallops.
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13th March 2016, 22:17
Hello, Elle,
You mentioned Ruth Ellis.
There is an excellent book about her, and her crime, and the aftermath.
It is called "Fine Day for a Hanging" by Carol Ann Lee.
It is very well written and covers everything in great detail.
There is a photo in it that I found very strange and a bit unsettling, even.
It is a photo of her executioner, Pierrepoint, visiting her grave after she was re-interred.
Why ever would he do that? He killed her and years later visited her grave.
Very strange indeed.
6598 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th March 2016, 08:27
Good morning, Rusty!
A dull day so far......but I haven't been out as yet this morning.
I have the dog booked in for a bath and a trim at 10 o'clock, so there isn't time for both the walk and the journey over to the dog groomers.
It is high time she went as I have had to cut her fringe several times, so that she could see out!
We will go for a walk later on - it will give her the opportunity to get filthy ( and possibly smelly!) again!
That is certainly rather odd behaviour on the part of Pierrepoint to visit the grave of one of those whom he executed?
He must have hanged over four hundred people?
I wonder did he visit the graves of other than Ruth Ellis?
A strange situation......
Well, I had better get on.......
Have you anything planned for the day? Meeting one of the girls?
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14th March 2016, 08:56
Good morning, Elle!
Great day here!
Not sure if Pierrepoint visited other graves.
He hanged an awful lot of folk. I think 10 or 12 in one day for war crimes. In later years he was against capital punishment!
Executed prisoners were buried within the prison grounds, but I think there were several bodies disinterred from Holloway for some reason. Ruth was re-buried at Amersham in Bucks.
There is a tragic tale of Ruth's son visiting her grave and desecrating her headstone then going home and killing himself. Awful!
Hope doggie enjoys the trim!
I am off out looking for a lamp!
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