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9th March 2016, 18:46
Hello, Elle!
I tried your youtube link and the lady is pronouncing "urn" as "ern"!
As I mentioned the other day, we need John Snagge and Alvar Liddell for the pronunciation, or for me, the late Bill McLaren.
Alvar Liddell announced the Royal abdication and the attack on Pearl Harbour. Try those speakers on Youtube?
I liked today's puzzle.
I had vaguely heard of " mission creep".
I think it is up there with "blue sky thinking" and "at this moment in time", as annoying phrases which have stolen into the language.
I never time myself doing the puzzle.
I prefer to savour it.
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9th March 2016, 19:36
Hi, Rusty!
But you DO pronounce "urn" as "ern" - don't you?
At least, I do!
This is fascinating - if only we could all hear each other speak......
I shall conduct a survey whilst out dog-walking tomorrow..........
Watch this space.........!
I like the idea of "savouring" the crossword! Now, I shall tell myself that is what I am doing instead of worrying that it is taking me longer than usual!
I am only looking at it from time to time, as I have been busy doing other things.......
Daughter rang - new grandson is doing fine.......and BB has decided that life back at Pre-school has its attractions, too, besides "helping" with baby brother!
Must away now to get dinner.
Have you had yours?
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9th March 2016, 21:36
Hello, Elle!
I do NOT pronounce "urn" as "ern".
Why ever would I?
One has " u" and the other has "e".
Chambers has the pronunciations identical!
Mind you, Elle, Chambers appear to have been on a slippery slope ever since they abandoned Edinburgh!
I take my time with the crossword.
It is a highlight of the day for me.
That is pleasing that the young ones are doing fine.
I had roasted beef on a roll for tea, and very glad of it, too.
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9th March 2016, 22:09
Rusty, thanks for the Chamber information - very interesting, but I can't see my mother's bowling club referring to 'tea erns' any time soon! If I remember, and if I have time tomorrow, I'll look to see if we get the same result for the dreaded 'sauce'/'source'.
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10th March 2016, 10:25
Good morning, Rusty!
Yet another damp day here albeit a little warmer. Personally, I would prefer cold and dry!
That was interesting about the Chambers pronunciation of the two words, "earn " and "urn" being the same - as they were in the audio link.
I hadn't thought of looking them up in the dictionary........
Well done!
I've just looked up sauce / source , though, in Chambers and find that they give virtually the same pronunciation for those, but with the addition of the letter "r" in "source".
sauce - sos (with an umlaut over the "o")
source - sors (again with an umlaut over the "o", or as an alternative a line over the "o")
It's difficult to explain - so better if you look it up for yourself?
However, I cannot agree that the vowels are pronounced the same in those two words!
If you listen to them said on the audio link, they sound very different!
I wonder what today's crosswords will bring.......?
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10th March 2016, 11:03
P.S. Well, would you believe it, today's Times QC brought yet another homophone!
4A: Report of district that's more breezy (6)
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10th March 2016, 14:39
Good afternoon, Elle!
No, the vowels are different.
Chambers is wrong.
But there may be other arbiters of proper pronunciation?
Your one today, I am guessing is "airier/area"?
Another rubbishy clue!
I did not know what an umlaut was.
It sounds like an Eskimo canoe to me, or is that an umiak?
Lovely weather here.
I was at the skips again. Should be my final run.
I am heading out for a dander, then I have my paper to read and crossword to savour!
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10th March 2016, 16:40
Hi, Rusty!
I hope you enjoyed your walk?
You are lucky in your weather!
Still damp here.........walking not the greatest of pleasures today!
Have you had a chance yet to look at your crossword?
You will not be best pleased to find yet another homophone in the15 x15!
At this stage, I shall say no more........
And yes, you are quite right - an "umiak" is an Eskimo canoe! (although I did not know that - I had to consult Chambers!)
My new word for today!
Apart from walking , I have been at home today.
" Ladies who Lunch" was postponed until tomorrow! So I shall combine my present buying for new baby and BB with a visit to Croydon (yes, on the tram!)
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10th March 2016, 21:33
Hello, Elle!
Bit rainy this night.
I agree with that homophone!
I remembered "umiak" from Michener's "Alaska".
Very good book.
The golf chaps have not banned the drug that Sharapova was on! And golf is an Olympic sport this year!
And the Scottish football authorities (no laughing at the back) have managed to do a whole eight drug tests in the last year!
I had a butcher's steak pie for tea. Very nice!
Is there a roof on the Croydon tram?
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11th March 2016, 09:45
Good morning, Rusty!
I awoke this morning to thick fog - a real "pea-souper"! Couldn't even see across the road!
Went out as usual but it was good to get home!
However, it is thinning out now and the sun is struggling to show its face - I am told that it will be lovely later on this morning!
I wonder if the properties of the drug Meldonium (that Maria has been taking) would not affect golfers in the same way? Different qualities are needed for the different sports, so maybe Meldonium wouldn't act as an "enhancer" for a golfer, as it would for a tennis player?
I don't know....only a hypothesis - I might be talking rubbish!
What with the Zika virus and the drug problem, I wonder what will happen this coming Olympics?
Ah well....must away and change - going out shortly (the tram does have a roof!)
Catch up with you later.........
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