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11th March 2016, 18:21
penny just dropped Eirlys, ha-ha.
6541 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th March 2016, 18:22
I'll get my coat ...... ;)
6542 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th March 2016, 18:27
Hello, Elle!
Well done on your day out!
I have not done a lot but I bought a table sort of thing.
I realise I shall be in a minority, but I pronounce the "g" in "gnu". But would not with " gnat".
Am I odd?
And Trevor's 1 down in the Guardian is awful!
I used to think Otterden was a good setter, too!
I thought today's Times was tricky.
Rain here.
6543 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th March 2016, 19:01
Rusty, the French word is gnou, and we pronounce the g too !
6544 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th March 2016, 19:16
Hi, Rusty!
No, of course you aren't odd! I think - despite its actually being meant to be pronounced with a silent "g" - that a lot of people , myself included, say it as "g-nu" as a result of Flanders and Swann's song........ they really made 'history' there!
Once a g-nu.........always a g-nu!
It can never be any different!
I've started the Times crossword....finding it hard........I can't believe that 6d is yet another homophone???????
I'll grant that the two words sound the same , but what an awful clue?
Now what do you mean , you bought a "table sort of thing"?

Hello, Pigale!
How are you?
It turned out to be a lovely day here - what about with you?
I am going to find my French dictionary now to check out "gnou"!
6545 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th March 2016, 19:29
Hello, Pigale.
I am glad you pronounce the "g".
The French folk are very sensible!
6546 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th March 2016, 19:43
Hello, Elle!
I hear that good cholesterol can be bad for us, now.
And you gnever hear "5 a day" getting a mention nowadays.
I purchased, with great difficulty, may I say, I am not sure what the proper name is, but it is a kind of table with drawers, for setting a television set on.
I thought that it would be fine next to my bed with a lamp on it, and one or two books and my wireless, and a glass bowl for keeping my fruit gums in.
Saturday's Times crossword is usually quite good.
You will like that one.
6547 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th March 2016, 21:21
Hey, Rusty!
Yes, the "powers- that- be" are always changing their minds as to what is good or bad for us!
They are now saying that statins can be harmful, yet it's only a short time ago that the government wanted everyone over the age of fifty to start taking them regardless of individual cholesterol level!
I try to steer clear of all medications where possible!
Your g- new purchase - no, I don't know what you would call it either? maybe a TV console? - sounds ideal for a bedside table for your radio, books and a lamp!
What about an alarm clock? or don't you use one?
New wardrobe, new bedside table.........what next?
I'm giving up on the 15 x15, I think! Too hard for me.........
Have you got any Sport to watch tomorrow?
We forgot to buy next week's TV guide.....
Is there any tennis or Athletics, do you know?
6548 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th March 2016, 22:25
Hello, Elle!
Statins can have bad side effects.
I have a new wall clock in my room.
A tickless one.
No alarm clock.
They are very last century, Elle!
You Bromley folks are a bit behind the "times"!
Us modern folks have alarms in our mobile phones.
I am going to purchase a new lamp next week.
Keep at the Times, Elle..
Takes a while to tune into it.
There is Alpine skiing tomorrow, but that's about it.
May be International Rugby?
Then Cheltenham on Tuesday!
I am going to record The Voice tomorrow and see what I make of it!
I was reading Eve Muirhead's (the curler) column in the local paper today.
She is extremely meticulous regarding medications and testing.
Eve says taking Lemsip is OK, but Lemsip Max is not, because it contains something on the banned list.
6549 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th March 2016, 22:55
Hi, Rusty!
It would have been better had you tried recording "The Voice" earlier in the series.
The beginning section is the most interesting!
It begins with the four judges - this time, Ricky Wilson (lead singer of the Kaiser Chiefs), Paloma Faith and Boy George - sitting in chairs facing away from the contestants.
Thus they "hear" the "voice" but do not "see" the person singing.
So they judge solely on the quality of the vocal performance and not on any physical appearance or attributes of the singer.
Each judge picks a certain number of singers to join his / her team.
Once all the team places are full, the individual team members "battle" against each other in pairs; the team judge choosing whom of his / her contestants to retain and whom to send home.
This are known as the "battle stages". This is what you will see if you record the show tomorrow.
I like the initial part of the show better when the judges initially choose their teams by sitting with their backs to the singers and then choosing from the vocals.
So in a way you will have missed the best part!
But it will be interesting to hear what you think..........
( I shall study the ingredients for Lemsip! I do believe we have some in the medicine cabinet!)

6550 of 30765  -   Report This Post