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12th March 2016, 07:27
Good morning, Elle!
I know Boy George, anyway!
And the name is known to me.
Stay away from the Lemsip Max and you will be fine for hurling the javelin at Rio!
Eve Muirhead is an excellent golfer too.
One of my favourite golfers is Rickie Fowler.
He was in a charity event to raise money for autistic children the other day, which was organised by Ernie Els.
Rickie had a hole in one, which won the charity one million dollars. Big Ernie was delighted! As were all the spectators.
Rickie always dresses in orange in the final round of an event.
Orange being the colours of Oklahoma State University which he attended. I have had a quick squiz at The Times puzzle online. Seems to be a good one, Elle.
Get stuck in!
6551 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th March 2016, 09:16
Rusty, Elle, I hope I'm correct in thinking you don't do the Times Jumbo Cryptic? Today's puzzle has a clue for you, one each...

Rusty's clue
55 A. Part of Ealing's influence (5)

Elle's clue
33 D. Expanding requirements of someone obnoxious at religious outpost? (7,5)
6552 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th March 2016, 09:23
Good morning, Rusty!
Another very foggy one! although again we are promised bright sunshine later!
What is like up your way?
Have you been out yet for your paper?
No Times Cryptic for me today, as John is back from his holiday, and has sent me three Times crosswords - - the two Jumbos and the Times 2 - but not the Times 15 x15!
Ah well........
We haven't been out for a walk yet this morning, as the fog is so thick.........waiting for it to lift.
Must remember to buy a TV guide.....
Are you watching the Alpine skiing? Whom shall you support now that Lindsey is out of action?
6553 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th March 2016, 09:26
Hello, Malone!
No I don't usually do the Jumbo Cryptic - too difficult for me!
altho I have the puzzle before me this morning!
I shall meditate on your clue.........!
6554 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th March 2016, 12:06
Hello, Malone,
No, I don't tackle the Jumbo anymore.
I give that part of the paper to my neighbour.
She is a nurse and takes it to work each day for staff and patients. Plenty puzzles to keep them occupied!

Nope! I do not have an answer for 55a!
6555 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th March 2016, 12:30
Rusty, you will need your London Underground map.

Elle, if you still have the crosswords from earlier in the week, that clue will be simple.

To offset my usual moans, here's a clue I really liked. It's from today's Independent cryptic...

4 D. Clumsiness of verbal encouragement to Blair? (9)

6556 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th March 2016, 14:07
Malone, there is an area in or near Ealing called Acton, apparently. Would that be it? To act on/influence?
I came across the name Acton in "10 Rillington Place", a book by Ludovic Kennedy.
I had no idea that it was in Ealing though.
I had to Google Ealing before I discovered that.
Good clue if you know London, I suppose!
6557 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th March 2016, 14:11
Yes, Rusty, it's Acton. I got it only because of crossing letters. I wasn't thrilled with the answer as it feels even more Londony than some we've had before. (Londony is totally made-up - if the setters can invent homophones, I can invent words).
6558 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th March 2016, 14:26
Good afternoon, Elle!
Bit cloudy here today.
I have purchased my paper and just finished the puzzle.
A pity you did not get The Times.
There is a two page spread on Victoria today.
I had no bet on skiing but cheered them all down the mountain.
Cornelia Huetter won today.
Cycling on soon. Tirreno-Adriatico from Italy.
Hope your fog has lifted!
6559 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th March 2016, 14:29
Malone, I applaud your new word!
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